Stranger Things Season 4 Officially falls short Of A Major Record


Stranger Things Season 4 Officially falls short Of A Major Record

“Stranger Things”Season 4 was a failure “Squid Game”As Netflix’s most viewed season of television, Variety reports. Although the Duffer Brothers’ production racked-up a staggering 1.4 million viewing hours within the first 28 days following Volumes 1 and 2, (Netflix combined both periods) Hwang Donghyuk’s capitalist satire remained on screens for 1.7billion hours in that same time frame.

Both numbers are almost impossible to comprehend, it is clear. Let’s put them in perspective. “Squid Game”It was viewed for almost 194,064 year. Referring to the above, the earliest human beings were just beginning to evolve on Earth 195,000 years ago (via Smithsonian Magazine). Also, both “Squid Game” “Stranger Things”Season 4 is quite big.

Yet, Netflix’s popularity is still surprising. “Squid Game” saw. Hwang is famously known for his face. “Squid Game” rejections for 10 years while trying to find someone willing to take a chance on his social satire. Similar struggles were experienced by the Duffer Brothers in their search for a home. “Stranger Things” (via Business Insider). Perhaps the success of these shows will encourage studios to embrace creators who aren’t conforming to the established norm.


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