Stop Wasting Time! Learn the Correct Way to Charge Your iPhone and Save Battery Life


“Top 5 Myths That Drain Your iPhone Battery – Know the Truth Behind the Allegations!”

There are many tips to boost your iPhone battery but turning off things like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth won’t make a difference. Some hacks are simply a myth and are just wasting your time. And others can actually do quite the opposite, draining your power sooner.

Switching off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

Wi-Fi is a low energy consumer on your iPhone, as is Bluetooth. In fact, your device will use up more battery from 4G and 5G than Wi-Fi, and when Wi-Fi is off it’ll resort to the network instead. If you really want to save battery you need to put flight mode on to block all connections.

Force Closing an App

Force closing apps can save some power, especially if you’ve gone into the settings and discovered it’s a heavy battery sucker. But there’s a catch. Constantly opening and closing apps will actually use up more energy as your device will have to restart everything again each time. So for those apps you use frequently like WhatsApp or Instagram, it’s probably better to leave them alone.

Letting the Battery Run Out

Once upon a time it was best practice to let the battery run out entirely but that’s really old news. Nowadays the tech is more intelligent and doesn’t need you to drain it to help the lifespan last longer. So don’t be afraid to charge your iPhone whenever you want and as long as you desire.

So which iPhone battery saving tips DO work?

Apple has shared some of its own iPhone battery saving tricks to increase the life and lifespan that do work.

  • Keep your iPhone up-to-date
  • Dim the brightness
  • Switch on Low Power Mode
  • Turn off Location

So, the takeaway here is that not every tip you hear or read about is going to be accurate. When it comes to extending your iPhone’s battery life, make sure to separate the myths from the facts.


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