Stepfather sentenced to death for killing actress Laila Khan after 13 years


Shocking Murder Conclusion: Stepfather Sentenced to Death After 10+ Years

Actress Laila Khan’s murder case finally sees closure over a decade since the tragic incident took place. According to News Nine, Laila Khan and five members of her family were brutally murdered back in 2011.

Motive Behind the Tragic Incident

Parvez Tak, the stepfather of Laila Khan, was convicted of the heinous crime and was sentenced to death after a lengthy trial. Tak, who was the third husband of Laila’s mother Shelina, orchestrated the murders in a gruesome attempt to seize the family’s properties, which included an apartment, shop in Oshiwara, an apartment in Mira Road, and a farmhouse in Igatpuri. Apart from targeting the family’s jewelry and cash, Tak also allegedly had sinister intentions of pushing Laila Khan and her sisters into prostitution.

Allegations of Involvement in Prostitution

Asif Shaikh, Laila Khan’s mother’s second husband, disclosed that Tak had coerced Laila Khan and her sisters into pursuing prostitution in Dubai. “Azmina, Zara, and Reshma would tell me Tak always asked them to go to Dubai to earn money. But the girls were not ready. Tak used to harass them and threatened them,” Shaikh stated in an interview with The Hindustan Times.

The Murders Unfold

Tak confessed that his greed and insecurity fueled his decision to carry out the murders. Feeling deprived of the earnings from Laila Khan’s work in Dubai, Tak orchestrated the murder plan. Together with his accomplice, Shakir Hussain, they executed the brutal killings. Shakir Hussain was hired as a watchman at the family’s farmhouse property, where the murders transpired. Following an argument with Shelina, Tak fatally injured her, leading to her death. Subsequently, he, along with the watchman, proceeded to murder the other family members using knives and rods. The bodies were then buried in the compound, and the house was set ablaze in an attempt to destroy evidence.

Verdict and Closure

Parvez Tak was found guilty of all the murders and was handed the death penalty, marking the end of a decade-long quest for justice for Laila Khan and her family. The sentencing brought a sense of closure to the tragic chapter that had haunted many for years.


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