Soon, no one will admit to supporting Trump

Rep. Adam Kinzinger predicted Tuesday, that Trump supporters would conceal their affiliation with former President Donald Trump during the next years.

“I firmly believe, in five or 10 years, you will not find a single person in this country that will admit to having supported Donald Trump,”The Republican congressman Telled CNN’s Brianna Keilar, calling Trumpism a “cancer.”

“He’s becoming a cancer,”Kinzinger stated that he had noticed a similarity in the outcomes between Republicans and Democrats. abandonedThey remained loyal to Richard Nixon “Trumpism is a cancer and there will be people, like Nixon, that never admit they supported him in five to 10 years.”

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Keilar also received an admission from Kinzinger that the Jan. 6 hearings were fraudulent. “very one-sided,”It is important to note that the majority of Republicans who were appointed by Trump testified.

Kinzinger corrected the record by stating that the hearing has heard only testimony from Democratic witnesses, after Trump supporters claimed that the hearings were biased in favor of the Democratic side. “maybe one or two”Democratic witnesses.

“It’s a very one-sided hearing process…. I’ll give them that,”According to the Illinois representative, “It is only Republicans coming in and testifying.”

He said that Trump supporters are his best friends. “are being lied to and manipulated,”Pointing out falsities within the party, such the False claimNancy Pelosi has control over the National Guard.

Kinzinger stated that Trump supporters won’t reveal their past loyalty due to the numerous lies they have told.

Kinzinger hinted earlier that the Jan. 6 Committee would meet in the future to hold more hearings. Liz Cheney announced last Thursday that the committee would be returning in September.

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