Slain University of Idaho Student Sister Searches for Her Killer


Citizensleuths from across the U.S. have been focusing their attention upon the brutal murders of four University of Idaho students, including the sister of one of them.

Alivia Goncalves isn’t waiting for police to find the person responsible for killing her sister, Kaylee Goncalves, and her sister’s friends Madison Mogen, Ethan Chapin and Xana Kernodle.

“We are not getting any answers and we are not going to settle for that,”She says.

Alivia found the crucial video of Mogen and her sister at a food truck, just hours before they were killed. She also found their Uber driver.

“I found neighbors’ ring camera footage so that I could verify that the Uber driver took them home,”She tells:

She’s also raising questions about why her sister called a young man named Jack multiple times the night she was slain.

“At 2:26 a.m. Kaylee starts to call Jack. Kaylee calls Jack six times between 2:26 a.m. to 2:44 a.m., from 2:44 to 2:52 Maddie calls Jack three times, then Kaylee makes a final call to him at 2:52 a.m. And they are both never heard from again,”She says.

Numerous websites and postings by armchair investigators are popping up. Many of the most prominent lawyers and detectives offer their theories on what might have happened.

“There’s no doubt that this is a person who is filled with a type of evil that is incomprehensible,”Phil Waters, a retired detective, has a 96% clearance rate in homicide cases. He was with the Houston Police Department.

The attack was believed to have been carried out by someone with a long, sharpened steel blade. It also injured two other roommates who were living in the house, which had six bedrooms and three bathrooms. The weapon used in the attack has not been located. Two of the victims were roommates. The suspects are cooperating in the investigation.

“The use of an edged weapon is going to prevent any kind of real sounds that would awaken the other two girls,”Waters, “If this person, and it appears to be they are, proficient with an edged weapon, the deaths would have occurred so quickly, that there would have been no opportunity for them to cry out.”


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