Sketchy Source: Jessica Simpson Apparently Disputes Husband Over Rumored Return to Reality Show


Is it? Jessica SimpsonAre you planning to make a reality TV show? According to one tabloid, Simpson was inspired by another reality star. Here’s what we know about Simpson’s alleged plans.

Jessica Simpson Facing ‘Reality TV Clash’?

This week’s edition of StarReports indicate that Jessica Simpson is returning to reality television. Simpson was the first to introduce this genre to the globe with her 2003 program. NewlywedsAccording to some, it was a contributing factor to Nick Lachey’s divorce. But apparently, after meeting Kim Kardashian through their children’s school events, sources say Simpson was inspired to give the medium another chance.

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“Jessica is locked in talks for a return to reality TV,”Insider secrets “Ideally, it will be a show that features the whole family.”Simpson, however, is apparently struggling to get Eric Johnson onboard. “Eric’s not happy about it at all,”The tipster squeals. “He wants no part of it and has told Jessica as much.”

Jessica Simpson is Making a Reality TV Show

After looking into the tabloid’s claims, we found a couple of reasons to doubt its tale. First of all, Simpson already has two TV shows that are autobiographical. In 2020, Simpson announced that she had two autobiographical TV shows in the works. She was partnering with Amazon StudiosTo produce a fictionalized series about coming-of age and an unscripted documentary series, both based on her memoir. Open Book We doubt that she is planning to add another reality show to her already existing series.

Simpson also stated this in April of this past year. She had no desire to make a reality television show.. She replied that she would consider another one if asked. “Oof—no,”Reality shows that these days there is a lack of authenticity. Newlyweds had. She teased new music during the interview. “music is definitely coming sooner than you would think.”

So, we are definitely side-eyeing this story about Simpson launching a brand new reality TV show against her husband’s wishes. The entrepreneur certainly has a full plate, so we doubt she’s trying to take on the Kardashian empire as well.

The Tabloid On Jessica Simpson

Of course, we’re immediately skeptical of anything Star Writes about Jessica Simpson. According to the outlet, Simpson was filming a documentary about her life to promote her clothing brand. The magazine also reported that Simpson was concerned about Johnson leaving her. The magazine also reported that Johnson and Simpson were in a multi-billion dollar divorce battle. Star certainly isn’t the first place we’d go for updates on Jessica Simpson.


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