Single mom regrets buying 12-acre homestead – the truth about ‘slow living’ and burnout


Struggling Single Mom Sells Dream Homestead After Feeling Burnt Out

A RESILIENT single mother purchased a 12-acre homestead, only to become entangled in a thicket of challenges. Juggling the responsibilities of homeschooling, tending the farm, and being the sole provider left her spirit wilted.

The Reality of Homesteading – A Change of Heart


div>A RESILIENT single mother purchased a 12-acre homestead, only to become entangled in a thicket of challenges.

Juggling the responsibilities of homeschooling, tending the farm, and being the sole provider left her spirit wilted.

A single mom revealed she was selling her homestead3
A single mom revealed she was selling her homesteadCredit: tiktok/the_wild_mother

Homesteading Dreams Are Not Always What They Seem

Although homesteading may seem idyllic and appealing to many, the reality often proves to be much harder than anticipated. Birdie felt like she had been deceived by the romanticized notion of self-sufficiency.

The Struggle of Living Off-Grid Alone



Bridie said homesteading is “appealing” to many Americans, but the single mom felt like she had been duped.

It was harder than she imagined.

“If we want a healthy life, we have to do it ourselves,” she said. “But living here I have realized I have never wanted self-sustainability.”

Bridie didn’t think she had any option than to live off-grid.

“But I truly felt like that was my best and only option for living in alignment with my values,” she said.

The TikToker said it is important to eat healthy foods and to give her children a safe education, but she can’t do it all alone.

“As with a lot of things in the U.S., we end up taking on too much isolating ourselves, and getting burnt out due to this hustle culture,” she said.

Mindful Living vs. Slow Living


div>”When we think of mindful living, we think of slow living,” she said.

“But the reality is if you’re trying to do it all yourself, it’s not gonna be slow,” Birdie added.

People in the comments section told Birdie that homestead life is meant to be shared with a community — not done alone.

“That’s why we need community,” one person said.

“Instead of selling the land, turn it into a communal type lifestyle you are searching for,” a second wrote.

“People were applying US individualism to what always was meant to be communal… thanks for sharing the reality,” a third added.

The Importance of Community in Homesteading

People highlighted to Birdie the value of community in homesteading, emphasizing that this lifestyle is better enjoyed when shared with others. The sense of isolation and burnout can be alleviated by fostering relationships within a supportive community.

Overall, Birdie’s journey sheds light on the challenges of homesteading and the significance of communal living in creating a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle.


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