Side effects of The Sinovac Vaccine Against COVID-19 Explained


Side effects of The Sinovac Vaccine Against COVID-19 Explained

Scientists are still studying the Omicron variant of the virus, but it is very contagious. “This is such a contagious virus that it can spread not only among the unvaccinated, where I think it still has a very substantial risk of causing serious disease that might require hospitalization, but it can also spread among vaccinated persons, although the illness it produces among the vaccinated, particularly if you’ve had a boost, is generally mild and even without symptoms,”Dr. William Schaffner is a Vanderbilt University Medical Center professor of preventive medicine. Healthline.

Although there is a risk that vaccinated people will get the omicron strain COVID-19 from their vaccines, it is important not to forget that the symptoms are usually milder for those who have received two doses of Moderna or Pfizer vaccines. “[Even if] Omicron may not lead to more severe illness than Delta, a rapid and massive surge in infections could still overwhelm hospitals with sick patients,”Dr. Robert Glatter is an emergency physician at Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City. “People who are unvaccinated remain at the highest risk, but also those who have not received a third dose of an mRNA vaccine.”Fully vaccinated and boosted will reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19-related illness.


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