Ship captain Kate McCue shuts down sexist comment in hilarious video


What’s the best way to deal with ignorance? Get angry? Ignore it? Try and educate someone?

Well, here’s a lesson in elegantly dispatching trolls, courtesy of Captain Kate McCue.

McCue is a cruise ship captain with big social media followings on Instagram and TikTok. She’s the first American woman to captain a giant cruise vessel.

But that hasn’t stopped people from sending her ignorant comments.

Like the anonymous troll who recently replied to McCue’s content by asking:

“How can you be a captain? Your [sic] only a woman.”

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McCue decided, for once, to dignify them with a response – with a twist.

In a video posted to her TikTok she said:

“Normally as I’m scrolling through comments and I see something like this, I totally ignore and move on with my life. But I think it’s about high time I address this because it’s 2020. And in this day and age I am shocked that someone still doesn’t know the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’. A quick reference: ‘you’re’ as in ‘you are’, like ‘you are sexist’. ‘Your’ is something possessive, because it belongs to you, like ‘your ignorance’. But don’t worry, I’m here for you.If you need any more clarification, you can find me here. In my captain’s chair.”

The clip ends with a shot of McCue reclining in her captain’s seat.

And the smart takedown is being praised by many.

“Brilliant,” one viewer said, adding that they “did not expect” the way McCue cleverly chose to dissect the ignorance on display.

It brought a lot of joy.

Grammar lessons and dispatching trolls in under one minute?

Now that’s a skill.

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