Secret Invasion’s ’embarrassing” Rotten Tomatoes rating sets an unwanted Marvel record


Secret Invasion has earned itself a Marvel record that it didn’t want, as the series with the lowest Rotten Tomatoes rating of all MCU television shows.

Since 2019’s Avengers: Endgame, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has experienced its fair share of wobbles with several films and Disney+ series not quite meeting lofty fan expectations. Secret Invasion also falls under this category, after it set a record for bad reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.

Secret Invasion ends with a record-breaking Rotten Tomatoes score

Secret Invasion landed on our screens on June 21 but never really managed to hit the ground running, especially with critics as the show’s premiere only managed to earn 52% on Rotten Tomatoes.

The spy thriller would continue to suffer, but episode 1 was the most popular chapter in the series.

Secret Invasion reached rock bottom in its final and sixth episode. It earned only a meager 10% On the Review-aggregator website, starting July 28, 2018.

Secret Invasion and other Marvel TV shows

Unsurprisingly, Secret Invasion’s low individual episode scores has translated into a ‘Rotten’ rating, with the show earning a 56% approval rating among critics while the audience score of 59% doesn’t improve things.

Rotten Tomatoes is not the final word on a TV or film. The scores have many limitations.

That being said, Secret Invasion’s rating of 56% does make it the Lowest-ranking TV Series The MCU’s third-lowest-rated Marvel movie, behind Eternals (47%), Ant-Man and Wasp: Quantumania (46%), and Eternals.

The full ranking for MCU TV series is as follows and does feature some surprises, namely Ms Marvel’s near-perfect score of 98%.

Fans react to ‘embarrassing’ finale rating

It’s safe to say that Secret Invasion’s finale has caused quite a stir online, with many unhappy with the way it ended the series while others believed it was better than its Rotten Tomatoes ranking.

“Secret Invasion didn’t start as a bad show,” commented one fan on Twitter. “But it got so bad that this is probably top 3 worst Marvel live-action projects. Disney should be ashamed of this, the script of the finale was truly embarrassing.”

This fan was surprised by the episode’s rating: “Lol what? This was by far the best Marvel episode I’ve ever seen. Rotten Tomatoes don’t mean jack.”

“The finale was AWFUL,” said this fan. “I really enjoyed the first five episodes.”

Another Twitter user pointed out the show’s sizable budget: “Hard to believe this show really had a $220 million budget attached to it.”

“Could the world be finally getting over all of these comic book movies and/or projects? I sincerely hope so,” said this commenter.

And finally, this fan feels that Secret Invasion deserves more of a chance: “I thought it was great. Remember that Secret Wars was the main purpose of this series. It’s not a full story. We did learn some interesting information. We learned a lot about Nick Fury’s personal life. It was much more intense than before. I loved it. Yes, there were some issues. But I enjoyed it for what it was and what it gave us.”

Secret Invasion Streaming is available After the July 26th finale, Disney+ will broadcast it in its entirety.

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