School Allegedly To Promote Sexism As Two Students With Same Mistake Got Different Punishment!!


Recently, two high school students documented their day at the institution wearing an identical outfit to point out the dress code sexism.

Every school defines a proper dress code to ensure the students don’t come up with any “inappropriate” dresses. However, many students believe that this dress code mechanism favors boys over girls.

A few days back, Drew Jarding, an Illinois High School Student, carried out an experiment on TikTok to prove that the dress code system is more biased towards females than males.

Drew’s recent TikTok posted stunned the netizens. Drew under this TikTok username @drooscroo, revealed an in-depth documentary of a day at his school while he was wearing a similar dress to his female friend. He posted the video with a caption, “Dressing the same to show dress codes are sexiest.”

Jarding’s dress was pretty appealing as she wore athletic shorts and a cropped tee. However, some parts of his body were still visible. On the other hand, Crimmins, his friend, wore a cropped top and black leggings.

Drew said, “Just so you could highlight how biased they are really.”

While Drew was carrying an inappropriate look, their school dress code demands something modest and conducive. Moreover, the students are expected to take pride in their outfits or appearance. Their dress must complement the school’s environment. So that they can entirely focus on their studies.

The policies of the school solely depend on the instructions from the authorities. The school policy handbook reveals, “Since styles change quickly, administrative discretion will be applied to detect the appropriateness of garments carried out by the students.”

However, Drew was determined to highlight the biased sides of the policies. The two friends walked around the school premises the entire day. They also tried to attract the teacher’s attention, dancing in front of them. However, at the end of the day, Crimmins was only found guilty of dress code rules violations.

The school staff revealed Crimmins showed too much of her core in the top she was wearing. In a recent interview, Jarding revealed, “I had known that dress codes had been pretty unfair. I just did not know to this extent. I was wearing multiple outfits that were going against the dress code and they had not said a single thing against my dress.”

He went on to reveal every the minutest detail about his school’s dress code. He said the school prohibits the students from wearing ripped jeans, shorts, crop tops, skirts, dresses above the knee, spaghetti straps, and more.

The video instantly went viral and collected over six million views and a bunch of comments. Many students as well as other Internet users, shared their views on the matter. One random user commented, “My principal straight up told us the other day that dress code is solely for the females as he does not want them to distract others.”