Salman Rushdie slams ‘dumb clown’ assailant in shocking interview about 2022 attack

Title: Sir Salman Rushdie Blasts Alleged Attacker as “Dumb Clown” in New Memoir Knife


Salman Rushdie Denounces Inept Attacker in Latest Memoir

In his upcoming memoir “Knife,” Sir Salman Rushdie, aged 76, condemns Hadi Matar, the individual responsible for the brutal attack on him, as a “dumb clown who got lucky.” The author, who suffered debilitating injuries during the assault, describes Matar as an inept would-be assassin and even goes as far as labeling him an “incel.”

Dream Premonition and Shocking Assault

The harrowing incident took place during a book event in New York back in 2022, leaving Sir Salman Rushdie blind in one eye and with severe injuries to his neck, face, and hands. Interestingly, more than three decades prior to this attack, Iran’s leaders had issued a fatwa death order against the accomplished author due to his controversial novel, “The Satanic Verses.”

Within the pages of the US edition of “Knife,” a gripping excerpt recounts Sir Salman’s premonition of the assault. Just days before the tragic event, he had a dream in which he was speared by a gladiator, foreshadowing the impending danger.

Reflections on the Unexpected Attack

In the aftermath of the stabbing, Sir Salman ponders on the timing, asking, “Why now, after all these years?” His recollection of the assailant paints a picture of a malevolent figure, likening him to a “murderous ghost from the past” or a “time traveler.” Despite the severity of the situation, the author downplays Matar’s significance, emphasizing that he is nothing more than a fortuitous “dumb clown.”

Moreover, Sir Salman Rushdie reveals a personal health scare following the traumatic incident, recounting a cancer scare that later turned out to be a false alarm. The author’s resilience in the face of adversity is truly commendable.

Legal Proceedings and Trial Update

Hadi Matar, aged 24, continues to maintain his innocence regarding the charges of attempted murder leveled against him. The progress of his January trial was temporarily halted to facilitate his legal team’s retrieval of pertinent information from Sir Salman Rushdie’s memoir. This development underscores the ongoing legal complexities surrounding the case.

In conclusion, the forthcoming release of “Knife” promises to shed further light on the events leading up to and following the disturbing attack on Sir Salman Rushdie. The author’s courage and candor in recounting his ordeal serve as a testament to his unwavering spirit and determination to seek justice and closure in the face of adversity.

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