Safety precautions taken during Queen Elizabeth’s funeral


A 12-mile “ring of steel”The 500 world leaders who were among them, snaked through Central London to say their last goodbyes to Queen Elizabeth II on Monday. How did authorities keep everyone safe

Around 10,000 police officers from Great Britain were called up to duty. The area was dominated by drones. Armed officers were deployed on rooftops equipped with sniper rifles.

Anti-drone technology has been put in place to make certain that no one is harmed.

Security positioned along the procession route. Armed officers alternated with unarmed beat police who faced the crowd and the direction.

All world leaders arrived in bus, with the exception that President Joe Biden was not allowed to travel alone. First Lady Jill Biden was the only leader who could travel by bus.

They arrived in an armored automobile known as “the Beast,”As a decoy in the event of a terrorist attack, another armored car is used.

Onlookers placed flowers on the hearse as it made its way through British countryside to Windsor Castle. By the time it arrived at its destination, the hearse was fully covered in stems and petals.


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