Roberta Flack’s ‘First Time Ever’ initially horrified Peggy Seeger, but she soon came to love it – find out why!


How “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” Captured the Ultimate Emotion of Love at First Sight

The Ultimate Song of Love at First Sight

“The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” is a timeless classic that perfectly encapsulates the feeling of falling in love at first sight. Written by Ewan MacColl for Peggy Seeger, this song has been covered by iconic artists like Roberta Flack, Elvis Presley, Diana Ross, Johnny Cash, and George Michael. The three poetic verses paint a picture of the intense emotions one experiences when encountering true love for the first time.

The Beginnings of a Timeless Love Song

Ewan MacColl penned this iconic song on a fateful day in 1956 when he laid his eyes on Peggy Seeger for the first time. Peggy, part of an American music dynasty, was a young folk singer with an undeniable talent. The chemistry between them was undeniable, and soon, they embarked on a journey of love that would last a lifetime.

A Love Story for the Ages

MacColl and Seeger’s love story was filled with ups and downs, but their bond remained strong until MacColl’s passing in 1989. Peggy fondly remembers their early days together, the challenges they faced, and the enduring love they shared. Despite the obstacles, their connection was unbreakable, making them each other’s first and eternal soulmates.

The Impact of Cover Versions and Global Recognition

Over the years, “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” has been covered by various artists, with Roberta Flack’s version gaining immense popularity. Despite MacColl’s initial reservations about the multitude of cover versions, the song reached new heights of success when it topped the charts in the US. The song’s allure and beauty transcended genres, captivating audiences worldwide.

Exploring Different Renditions and Interpretations

Peggy Seeger herself explored different versions of the song, from Roberta Flack’s soulful rendition to an electronic dance track on her album “Folksploitation.” Each interpretation brought a unique perspective to the song, showcasing its versatility and timelessness. Even as other artists put their spin on the song, Peggy’s personal connection and attachment to the lyrics remained steadfast.

Looking Ahead to a Bright Future

As Peggy Seeger prepares for her upcoming performance at the Cambridge Folk Festival, she reflects on her journey through music, love, and activism. Despite a recent setback due to a back injury, Peggy’s spirit remains undaunted. With a vast repertoire of songs and stories to share, Peggy’s indomitable spirit and resilience shine through, making her a true legend in the world of folk music.

A Living Legend and Voice of a Generation

As Peggy Seeger approaches her 90th year, her legacy as a trailblazer, activist, and musician continues to inspire and resonate with audiences worldwide. Her unwavering commitment to social justice, women’s rights, and environmental advocacy shines through in her music, making her an enduring voice of a generation. Peggy Seeger, the invisible woman who is anything but invisible, remains a beacon of strength, wisdom, and passion in a world that constantly evolves and changes.


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