Robbie Coltrane, Remembered by J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter Cast


Robbie Coltrane’s Scottish actor, Robbie Coltrane, is receiving tributes. He is well-known for his roles in film franchises like “Harry Potter” “James Bond”TV Series “Cracker.”Friday morning was the last day of life for the comedian, writer, and actor.

“Robbie was one of the funniest people I’ve met and used to keep us laughing constantly as kids on the set,” shared Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe, Coltrane’s frequent scene partner as Rubeus Hagrid in all eight “Potter” films. “I’ve especially fond memories of him keeping our spirits up on Prisoner of Azkaban, when we were all hiding from the torrential rain for hours in Hagrid’s hut and he was telling stories and cracking jokes to keep morale up.”

He continued his statement: “I feel incredibly lucky that I got to meet and work with him and very sad that he’s passed. He was an incredible actor and a lovely man.”

Robbie Coltrane, Beloved Actor of ‘Harry Potter’ Fame, Dies at 72

J.K. Rowling recalled Coltrane “an incredible talent, a complete one off.”

“I’ll never know anyone remotely like Robbie again,”she SubmittedOn Twitter, she added that she was “beyond fortunate to know him, work with him and laugh my head off with him. I send my love and deepest condolences to his family, above all his children.”

Matthew Lewis, Neville Longbottom actor was among those who participated in the “Potter”Coltrane’s former student was fondly remembered by this alum.

“Robbie. Bobser. He called me Space Boy,”He remembered. “We shared a love of the final frontier. He didn’t give a fuck and it always made you smile. A giant, in more ways than one. We had some times x.”

James Phelps, the actor who played Fred Weasley, also paid a touching tribute via Twitter.

“I will miss the random chats about all subjects under the sun,” Phelps recalled. “And I’ll never forget in September 2000, Robbie Coltrane came over to a very nervous 14yr old me on my 1st ever day on a movie set and said “Enjoy it, you’ll be great”. Thank you for that x.”

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His twin brother Oliver, who also played his twin brother George, shared a similar memory from November 2001 in London’s Leicester Square.

“‘Soak this in lads, its like a Rolls-Royce for your first car”! Robbie Coleraine [sic] when he was next to me on the red carpet of the first HP premiere,” Phelps Recollected. “Over the years we had some great chats about history and travel. Rest in peace Robbie x.”

Bonnie Wright, their onscreen sibling, Ginny, is a Ginny actress Hagrid was her favorite character of the series. “Robbie portrayed Hagrid’s warmth, sense of home & unconditional love for his students and magical creatures so brilliantly. Thanks for all the laughter. Miss you Robbie. Sending love to your family.”

Stephen Fry’s first encounter with Coltrane was equally memorable. He was the actor who narrated the U.K version of “Harry Potter”Audiobooks, and Coltrane worked on other projects. “I first met Robbie Coltrane almost exactly 40 years ago. I was awe/terror/love struck all at the same time. Such depth, power & talent: funny enough to cause helpless hiccups & honking as we made our first TV show, “Alfresco”. Farewell, old fellow. You’ll be so dreadfully missed.”

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Added Hugh Laurie, Coltrane and Fry’s co-star in “Alfresco”: “I hope it’s OK to spout memories: I used to ride with Robbie Coltrane between Manchester and London in his sort-of-restored MGA. I’d roll him cigarettes while he discoursed on the ways of the world, and I don’t think I’ve ever laughed or learned so much in my life.”

Rev. Richard Coles TweetThat he was “Very sorry to hear Robbie Coltrane has died.”

“We shared a dressing room once and he had the biggest pants I have ever seen, which he wore with tremendous flair,”He recalled. “We were friends from then on.”

Robert Lindsay, who starred alongside Coltrane in Carl Reiner’s 1989 film “Bert Rigby, You’re a Fool”This was in “shock”From the news of his “dear pal”s passing.

“We shared a Hollywood journey that will live with me forever,”He Submitted. “Another great star to light the heavens.”

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