Reddit users support the story ‘I canceled my brother’s marriage over a joke made by his fiancée’

Reddit users support the story 'I canceled my brother's marriage over a joke made by his fiancée'

A Reddit story titled ‘I cancelled my brother’s wedding over a joke his fiance made’ has taken over social media with the incident getting more shocking as the events unfold.

Reddit is the perfect place for social media users to enjoy a good story. Right from incidents such as ‘AITA for embarrassing my wife at the grocery store‘ to a story about how a user blew smoke right into his addict girlfriend’s face, the platform has proven to be a place where all the juicy gossip unfolds. Amid this, people on TikTok came across a story titled ‘I cancelled my brother’s wedding over a joke his fiance made’ and many are convinced that the user did the right thing.

‘I cancelled my brother’s wedding over a joke his fiance made’ story explored

An anonymous user tells people about her brother who met Ella, his fiancée at a three-year-old party. They now planned to have a happy life together. It may sound like the story of a fairytale but it did not turn out that way. She notes that Ella was never a friend as Ella made jokes about her make-up, commented on her weight or had issues with her dog.

Nevertheless, she tried to make peace as her brother appeared really in love. Ella’s brother got engaged and she asked to be maid-of honor. Ella was expecting her sister to do all the work, including booking the venue and paying for any other arrangements. The user was required to use their credit card when making these payments.

Ella was not happy when it came time to discuss the money. She asked instead what the person would like to do with the money, as the dog had died. After this incident the Reddit member cancels all bookings, and no longer answers their brother’s calls. Ella was not happy with the decision made by the mother.

Reactions from users to the article

The user was quickly supported by others. One person wrote: “All I care about is that you got your money back, cause girl.” Another added: “Handled that way better than I would have.”

“I don’t understand people if you want your wedding a certain way, wait and save up so you can have it. What’s the rush and unnecessary drama?” said one more user. “Her brother needs to wake up and smell the roses…. But not wedding roses with Ella,” said one more.

“Absolutely not! It is not the maid of honor’s responsibility to plan the wedding let alone pay for everything,” said one more. “

She tried to rob OP, was cruel, & has never treated her nicely. Why’d she stay quiet this long? Should be trying to save the brother from a mistake,” thought another.

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Reddit is a popular forum for discussion and it’s not the first time someone shared a personal story.

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