Reddit lists nine things that you shouldn’t search on Google for.|


Beware! Redditors have put it together A brief list of thingsGoogle is something you should not do.

These are mostly gross things, some of which were filtered out simply because they were too NSFW. However, others are good for you.

Be aware that you may not get the desired results if your search is for any of the items in the list.

Although we have tried our best to describe, we won’t hyperlink. We’re not monsters.

Below is a list:

1. Fournier

Evan Fournier is a New York Knicks NBA player. “Never Google”There’s a reason.

Reddit lists nine things that you shouldn't search on Google for.|
Evan Fournier Getty Images

His last name is an old French word. “Boulanger” (or “Breadmaker”The name for a type gangrene that affects genitalia is (). There is no reason to look there.

2. Krokodil

Desomorphine is a powerful opioid derivative that has been substituted for heroin in Russia, Ukraine, and elsewhere.

Side effects of illegally manufactured drugs can include toxic substances that can be “cook”The skin or cause tissue injury or large-scale tissue infliction. It is also known as a flesh-eating medication.

3. Your favourite food

You can only make yourself hungry.

4. Mouth larva

Redditor’moth larva’ was searching for it, but instead found the best.

It’s exactly as you would expect, and we can confirm that it isn’t what you were expecting.

5. Google

Have you ever heard of that? 100% truthfulWhat do you think about the endless loop and the end of the world?

Reddit lists nine things that you shouldn't search on Google for.|

Google is only going to bring up more Google pages. It’s a wasteful of time.

There’s a chance that your URL field also serves as a search box. This will save you time and allow you to search for what it is you’re searching for.

6. Calculus Bridge

Although it sounds difficult, it is actually a significant dental problem.

Calculus bridge refers to hardened plaque that is placed between the teeth. It should be removed by a dentist. It is not so pretty.

7. Your e-mail address

It can be both illuminating and frightening to see what other people are linking to you online.

Reddit users shared information about stolen accounts, password leaks, spam, and other issues. Even if you don’t like what you see, it’s safer to search for duplicates to make sure you aren’t making any mistakes.

The best tool to check if you have been affected by a data breach, is the haveibeenpwned.comThis may help you to understand.

8. Ring Avulsion

This is definitely not something for the feint-hearted. We’ll take the hassle of finding it.

Ring avulsion can be described as an injury caused by a ring that is too tight or too loose on your finger. Worst-case scenario, your finger could be ripped off.

9. The Symptoms

A story as old as time. Google will tell you that you may have a rare terminal disease. You don’t need to panic, it could be a common cold. If you feel you have a serious illness, it is best to see a doctor.

Reddit lists nine things that you shouldn't search on Google for.|
Never Google your symptomsiStock


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