Recent Rumors Suggest Kris Jenner Has Refused To Marry Corey Gamble To Keep $140 Million Fortune Safe


It is Kris JennerRefusing to get married Corey GambleIn order to safeguard her fortune? Jenner claims that there are “millions of reasons”Gamble should not be married. Here’s the latest gossip about Jenner and Gamble’s relationship.

Marriage ‘Isn’t In The Cards’ For Kris Jenner And Corey Gamble?

The latest edition of the Globe reports Kris Jenner and Corey Gamble aren’t headed to the altar any time soon. While Jenner has accumulated a massive net worth over the years through her previous marriages, business deals, and immensely successful reality TV shows, Gamble’s fortune is significantly smaller. One source claims that their age gap of 25 years is even more alarming than their wealth gap.

“Kris is one smart cookie and while she looks a decade younger than her age, she realizes the chances of making marriage work between people with such a huge age difference isn’t likely,”An insider’s guide to cooking. “When Kris is 70, Corey will only be 45, and in his prime. He’s also been a bachelor all his life and never had kids. If Corey eventually wants kids, Kris is much too old to give him a biological child.”

Jenner is trying not to be too sarcastic about their age differences, but the money is still there “elephant in the room.”The tipster explains. “Corey is worth about $3 million while Kris is worth a whopping $140 million. So there are millions of reasons not to marry, and very few to say I do.”

Kris Jenner? ‘Too Old’For Corey Gamble

We’re not totally buying this story. Kris Jenner may have reasons to not marry Corey Gamble. But, we strongly doubt it. Jenner and Gamble have been married for nearly 8 years. Any issues their age differences may have caused are already being addressed. We can see that their age gap is not a problem.

Now, we’re more inclined to believe Jenner would hesitate about marrying Gamble for financial reasons. Jenner has a lot to consider. Jenner has a lot to think about, but if she really wanted to marry, a solid prenuptial agreement would be very effective, even if they were to end up divorcing. And of course, a couple of failed marriages may have soured Jenner’s view on the whole arrangement — we just don’t know. Jenner and Gamble are still committed to one another despite not having married.

Jenner wrote a birthday message to Gamble recently. “You are the most amazing partner, best friend, confidant, travel aficionado, therapist, problem solver, golf buddy, protector, advisor, and the best, most wonderful man to my kids and my grandkids!!! You are such a special part of my heart and soul and I love you so very much babe… thank you for all you are in my life!! I am truly blessed.” Clearly, Jenner and Gamble don’t need a marriage certificate to be dedicated to one another.

The Tabloids on Kris Jenner and Corey Gamble

This isn’t the first time a tabloid has pushed this narrative about Jenner and Gamble’s relationship. The tabloid published the following year: Globe Jenner, reported Jenner “humiliated” after “glorified gigolo”Gamble threatened to dump Gamble. Then Gamble threatened to dump her. National Enquirer Gamble was claimed “cash-strapped”Jenner to increase his allowance. Then OK! Jenner allegedly refused to give Jenner “full-time lackey” Gamble a raise. Obviously, none of these outlets has any insight into Jenner and Gamble’s relationship.

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