PS5 and Xbox users are just now realising that storing the console upright can damage it permanently


PS5 and Xbox owners are now realising how damaging it can be to store their consoles in an upright position.

The innocent positioning of consoles can lead to break-downs.

Storing your console upright could damage it forever


If you keep your console on its back, it could become permanently damaged.Credit: Getty

Atom IT Repairs announced the four most likely reasons for consoles to suddenly stop working. And one of them is how you store your console.

Experts said moisture is the most likely cause of death for consoles, as liquids can damage electronic components and corrode their internals.

There are some tricks that can save your console, if you take action quickly.

According to them, “Pleasing your console upside down prevents liquids from reaching deeper inside the device as well as allowing it to dry by air.”

“Don’t use a hairdryer, and don’t put it in rice,” they added as these are “just myths”.

It also advised those who might find themselves in a similar situation to give the device, after wiping it with a paper towel and turning it off, to a specialist for repairs as soon as they can.

The neglect of the console was another cause.

They said that “many repairs result from neglect which can in most cases be avoided.”

By leaving the console exposed to pedestrian collisions, you put your working components in peril.

It is also recommended that you clean any dust accumulation on your console as it can lead to malfunction.

Atom cited wear and tear as the third factor. While this is inevitable, Atom suggested that regular checks on your device, and good care, can help you extend its life.

They said that “from parts failures to power problems and more, every device with its original components has a lifespan and cannot simply work forever without attention.”

Atom’s last reason was that the hard disk failed. It is a problem experienced by many consoles.

When your hard drive fails, you could experience data loss, excessive or abnormal overheating, and even frequent freezings and crashes.

The announcement comes just as PS5 users are realising that they have made a mistake which could ruin their console for good – by pulling the power cord rather than properly shutting it down.

The pS5 button on the joypad has also been discovered by gamers to have four cool tricks.

You’ll be tempted to upgrade the PS5 homescreen as quickly as you can with this clever hack.


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