Prince William and Kate Middleton Break the Royal Protocol Once More This Summer


Are you Prince WilliamAnd Kate MiddletonIn hot water Queen Elizabeth? The Cambridge’s broke royal protocol this week, which may raise the ire of her majesty. Let’s learn about the infraction and what’s really going on.

Queen Elizabeth’s Rules

There’s an unofficial rule in the royal family: heirs to the throne should not travel together. Once an heir turns 12 years old, they’re responsible for getting themselves from here to there. The rule applies to all heirs, regardless of their age. This way, should something horrible happen, there’s always an immediate heir to be found.

RELATED: Prince William and Kate Middleton Taken Photographing Royal Protocol Breaking For Fans

Traveling together is not recommended before the person turns 12. William had to obtain his driver’s license in 2014. Elizabeth, permissionPrince George and Elizabeth were onboard a plane together. Elizabeth was accused by the royal press office, who said, “While there is no official rule on this, and royal heirs have traveled together in the past, it is something that the Queen has the final say on.”

Children are getting older

Earlier this year, William and Middleton allegedly raised Elizabeth’s ire when they chose to ride in a helicopter as a family. It wasn’t just once, it was all the time. William is a licensed helicopter pilot who was comfortable flying his family to and from. Central Recorder reported that Elizabeth and William had several conversations at the time surrounding William’s judgment.

Are helicopters really that safe? Is it safe to fly with George? William adhered to her concerns… for a little while anyway.

Middleton, William and William are once more in the doghouse for continuing to fly with multiple heirs. Per InStyleAccording to one royal expert, “This week, they were seen boarding a helicopter in the back area of Kensington Palace as they enjoy a short holiday. This left the queen concerned. It is a royal protocol for people to travel in separate aircraft for very obvious safety reasons.”

They may have a lot to eat when William and Middleton return. Expert says: “They will be summoned to Windsor to explain the cause of their actions.”

Is any of this legal?

As always with royal news, it’s best to take this with a grain of salt. Elizabeth’s primary focus is her health, so this breach in protocol may go unnoticed. William can travel this way because Elizabeth gave her permission in 2014. In three years George will turn 12 and we can expect him not to travel without his father.

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