Prince William Allegedly Warned Charles To Not Let Harry Visit Queen Elizabeth, Royal Gossip Claims

Are Prince William and Prince Charles conspiring against Prince Harry? One report says the two did everything they could to keep Harry from visiting Queen Elizabeth. Gossip Cop investigates.

‘Please Stop This Harry’

According to New Idea, Harry and Meghan Markle had a lovely visit with Elizabeth en route to the Invictus Games. However, Harry seemed to promptly betray the family with a treacherous interview. He said he was “making sure the queen has the right people around her and is protected,” raising palace eyebrows once more.

A royal source says Elizabeth is furious over the comments: “She must see they are using her, and I’m sure she’d like this nonsense to stop now before it ruins her jubilee year.” Prince Charles had reportedly been optimistic about the meeting, but it blew up in everyone’s face.

Charles has “taken Harry’s claim that the Queen is unprotected as a direct insult,” a source concludes. “Prince William warned his father not to give Harry an inch.”

Prince William Warning About Harry?

No one other than Queen Elizabeth is qualified to say how she feels. This so-called source wants you to believe that they live life inside Elizabeth’s head and know how she would react to this innocuous interview—not how she actually reacted. If these sources actually had any insight, then why didn’t New Idea break the story about Harry visiting?

Instead, this tabloid is desperately playing catch-up. It’s not the only one either. Us Weekly recently claimed Markle and Harry visited to say their final goodbyes. The trip was very secret, so there’s no way any source can say with authority what happened, save for the folks involved. Harry was enthusiastic about his visit, so it sure feels like it went well.

As for this supposed William conspiracy, it comes out of nowhere in this story. Ninety-eight percent of it is made up of bogus details about Harry’s trip, and it suddenly pits Charles and William against Harry at the last second. We know things are frosty between Harry and his immediate family, but the stopover in England proves the door is still open for him.

Many Silly Stories

New Idea constantly pushes absurd stories about the royal family. Harry apparently brags about his popularity compared to William, but he’s made no such comments. It claimed he moved away from Markle, but that never happened.

It wasn’t that long ago when this outlet announced Harry was begging Charles for forgiveness. It’s no surprise this goes completely unmentioned in the conspiring. New Idea desperately needs to get a clue and stop releasing this garbage.

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