Prince Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s TIME 100 Photoshoot Making Prince William and Kate Middleton Tremble!


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s 2021 TIME 100 photoshoot is reportedly caused for concern for Prince William and Kate Middleton. Even though recent reports suggest the rumored royal family conflict is calming and relationships are starting to heal, Harry’s family may be feeling nervous after Meghan and Harry were named among TIME’s most influential people worldwide.

According to the royal author and expert Duncan Larcombe, William and Middleton “are in danger of being dragged into a transatlantic popularity contest” following the 2021 TIME 100 release. Discussing the possible reactions to the photoshoot, Larcombe told the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge “will feel anxious over the cover and everything Harry and Meghan do as it always seems to reflect on them.” This isn’t exclusive to the photo shoot, however, as Larcombe alleged the Cambridges are concerned about absolutely everything that comes out of America in regards to Harry and Meghan.” This includes Harry’s planned “There will be a memoir and tell-all stories about the photoshoot that will hit shelves next year.” Larcombe said the Cambridges “You have no control over what the narrative will read.”

Prince Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's TIME 100 Photoshoot Making Prince William and Kate Middleton Tremble!

Harry and Markle were revealed to be on the cover of TIME magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World issue, which hit stands on Sept. 17, on Sept. 15. On the cover, which came amid continued speculation regarding Harry’s relationship with his family overseas, Markle wore a white shirt with matching high-waisted trousers as Harry donned an all-black outfit. TIME also released several other images of the couple, with José Andrés, founder of World Central Kitchen, writing about the couple.

“Springing into action is not the easy choice for a young duke and duchess who have been blessed through birth and talent, and burned by fame,” Andrés wrote. “It would have been safer to simply enjoy their good fortune rather than keep silent. It’s not what Harry or Meghan do ….. The duke and duchess are compassionate in a world where everyone has an opinion on people they don’t know. They don’t just opine. They are willing to fight for the cause.

The Duchess and the Duke of Sussex joined a list that also included Billie Eilish and Billie Biles. Following their official retirement from working royals in January, the couple was honored. They had originally moved to California in 2020 as senior royals.