Prince Charles Upsetting Mother Queen Elizabeth With Big Plans For Buckingham Palace!


Is Prince Charles going to turn Buckingham Palace into a museum? One story believes the heir apparent is upsetting his mother, Queen Elizabeth, with that idea.

Full-Time Museum

According to OK! Charles is already planning for his inevitable reign. Charles is particularly concerned about reducing the number of senior royals and how to deal with Buckingham Palace. Charles wants to transform this private space into an open one. He’s facing some opposition from Elizabeth herself.

Prince Charles Upsetting Mother Queen Elizabeth With Big Plans For Buckingham Palace!

The queen would prefer the palace to remain in the same family it has always been. These changes are unlikely to happen soon as Elizabeth will still be in charge. She plans to stay at Buckingham during the workweek. The palace is in the midst of a costly renovation that should be completed by 2027, it’s first since World War II.

Stating The Obvious

The important thing to remember with this story is that Elizabeth is still calling the shots. Charles’ would-be plans are just that: plans. It remains to be seen if they become actions. As such, it’s best to take any stories about his royal plans with a grain of salt. There’s no way of knowing when Charles will take the reigns, so anything can happen.

Rumors are floating around that Charles wants to make the palace permanently public, but a royal source says it will “not be happening any time soon.” She has no desire to see this change made while she’s still alive. This means the OK! Surprisingly, this is essentially true.

Stopped Clock

Prince Charles Upsetting Mother Queen Elizabeth With Big Plans For Buckingham Palace!

They say a stopped watch is right twice a day. While OK! may have correctly noted a rumor in real time, that doesn’t mean this outlet can be trusted. If the stories were true, Elizabeth would have been retired by now. It was reported last week that Kate Middleton was pregnant once more and was preparing to ascend the throne. It was just a fluff article about Meghan Markle being better than Middleton. Stories like these are an insult to credibility.

We debunked its story about Princess Beatrice moving to America as well. The tabloid creates everything it wants, more often than not. There’s no way to predict the future, so there’s no way of really knowing what Charles will do once he takes the crown. Just because the plan is to turn Buckingham Palace into a museum is getting bandied about now doesn’t mean he’ll stick to it.