Priest Competed on ‘Jeopardy! Explains Why He Forgot Biblical Clues


Four-time Jeopardy! David Sibley was crowned champion and won fans over with his online commentary on the show’s recent episode. It makes perfect sense that he used the internet to explain why a seemingly obvious clue was so confusing during his fourth appearance on The Game Show.

Religion For $1000

When a competitor shows up to a quiz show decked out in clerical garb, it’s reasonable to assume that said competitor knows a thing or two about the Bible. Rev. Sibley was a little puzzled by one question.

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The Episcopal priest took off his collar to begin his fourth day of the show. He also opened the show by taking control of the board. He was quick to go for the Religion category, and opted for the $1000 clue. “It’s the ascension heavenward by true Christians both living & dead at Christ’s second coming.”

To the shock of many viewers, Sibley didn’t even buzz in with the answer. Moira Smith, his competitor, was the first one to buzz in, and correctly answered with. “What is the Rapture?”

Sibley won the remaining questions, won the day and qualified for the Tournament of Champions. Many wondered, however, how a member of clergy could miss a question regarding the Bible.

What is the Rapture?

After delighting his fans with his Twitter commentary during his time on the show, Sibley took to Reddit for explanations of why he couldn’t answer the biblical question.

“You might notice I didn’t buzz in on what is seemingly a gimme for a priest!” He wrote.

“Here’s the thing—I don’t believe in the rapture. In fact, the majority of Christians don’t actually hold the rapture as a doctrine, and haven’t for most of church history—the literal reading of Revelation is actually a product of the modern era, not the patristic era. As written, I thought the clue’s correct response required “Christians” to mean *all* Christians (or at least all Christians other than tiny splinter groups). By the time I got to what they wanted, it was too late.”

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Sibley continued to praise his competitor for correctly answering that question. “All credit goes to her for *not* overthinking it, and being confident in her knowledge,”He wrote. “She deserved the $1,000. In fact, we joked at the break about how I was probably overthinking it, and it was the hazard of having a theological degree on a question about Christianity.”

This story shows that even experts in a topic are susceptible to succumbing to the pressure of the Jeopardy! stage. Many people are still eager to see Sibley compete at the Tournament of Champions.

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