President Biden, Fox Reporter Peter Doocy Bicker


The ongoing feud between President Joe Biden and Fox News reporter Peter Doocy continues.

Doocy was a Fox News White House correspondent and was well-known for being called “Doocy”. “a stupid son of a bitch”The president on Wednesday asked Biden to choose between inflation and abortion as a priority for the midterm elections. (Republicans have claimed that Democrats place too much emphasis on social issues, while ignoring the fragility of the economy. Biden shot back appropriately. (You can view the video below.

“”They’re all important, unlike you. There’s no one thing. It’s all about the whole package. Domestic, ask me about foreign policy, too,” Biden said. “There’s multiple issues and they’re all important and we ought to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time.”

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The only thing that would have made the exchange more enjoyable is if we said the instead. “walk and chew gum at the same time” line is if he’d quoted “Rowdy” Roddy Piper from John Carpenter’s “They Live”And said: “I came here to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I’m all out of gum.”

Biden called Doocy back in January when he was confronted with another question about inflation, and the midterms. “a stupid son of a bitch.”

Later, Biden supposedly called Doocy and they buried the hatchet – at least temporarily. But clearly the two still make each other bristle, as is evidenced by Wednesday’s exchange, which took place at an event Biden was hosting about the infrastructure.

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