Police question dog owner for manslaughter after Brit grandmother was killed by a pet that she believed was a stray


Spanish cops are looking into the dog owner who killed a British grandparent with his pet pitbull.

Anne Shields, 67, was left with “catastrophic” head and arm injuries after she took the dog to her holiday home thinking it was a hungry stray.

Anne Shields dog attack story.


Anne Shields dog attack story.
The woman was mauled to death by the pitbull at her home in Macastre


A woman in Macastre was killed by a pitbull that attacked her at home

Police had to shoot the dog so medics could reach the former security guard after Your neighbours raised the alarm in Macastre, near Valencia, Spain.

It was a sad day when the grandmother passed away in the hospital Next day.

The Spanish police have confirmed that they were able to identify the owner of the pitbull despite its lack of a microchip. They are now investigating him for suspicions related to manslaughter.

Investigators described him as a 35-year-old Spaniard and confirmed he had been banned from owning pit bulls and other dogs classified as “potentially dangerous” in Spain because of previous offences.

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Civil Guard spokesperson Valencia near Anne’s You can also find out more about the property by clicking here. The Civil Guard said that it is looking into the case of the dog owner who attacked and injured a Macastre woman back in February. She died as a consequence of her injuries.

The victim, a 67 year old British man, had to be taken to the hospital immediately. Hospital after officers killed the animal with their weapons so they could assist her due to the animal’s aggressiveness.

She died one day after she was admitted to Hospital Because of her wounds on both arms.

Four days before her death, the victim discovered an animal that was malnourished and showed clear signs of neglect, as well as a number of illnesses, including canine scabies.

“She was warned by the vet that saw the animal that it was dangerous and she shouldn’t take it in but she ignored the warnings.

“Detectives launched an investigation to identify the dog’s owner after discovering it had no microchip.

They obtained 15 different statements and photos of the animal at various stages in its life. The animal was around 2 years old.

“The You can also find out more about the man by clicking here. When shown photos of the animals, both the man and his family members who are now being investigated recognized the animal.

“He is known to police and wasn’t allowed to have these sorts of Canines He is not eligible for a pardon under the current Spanish laws because of past offences.

The officers also found that he owned a number of other items. Canines Similar characteristics are not protected and taken care of.

“Detectives conducted an investigation into his home, and observed places the dog might have been able to escape. The suspect He acknowledged himself in his declaration.

He is a Spanish citizen of 35 years who has been formally interrogated and charged with a crime Manslaughter is a crime that can be committed by anyone. Pets “because he abandoned a dog that was deemed potentially dangerous.”

The ongoing criminal investigation into the incident of February 24, 2014, has been handed over to a local magistrate.

Anne called her dog Choccy, after she had taken him in. Neighbours When she was assaulted, I raised the alarm when I heard her screaming.

Her daughter Sarah, 43, from Preston, said in the aftermath of her widowed mum’s Death: “She was an animal lover and couldn’t bear the thought of throwing Choccy back on the streets.

“Her intention had never been to keep the dog but all the animal shelters were full.

“She was looking after him until she found someone who could take him.

“She stuck with him and then this happened. It’s a nightmare.

She demanded authorities find the person who abandoned the dangerous dog after her mum’s death.

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She said: “I’m hoping that the coverage in the media will help find the owner of this dog who left it knowing full well that it was dangerous.”

The UK has banned pit bulls, but Spain does not. A licence is required in order to possess one.


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