Pfizer CEO Says US Should Return To Normal Within The Year


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said Sunday on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanapoulos that the US should return to normal within the year. Bourla cited the Covid-19 booster shots in his reasoning.

“Finally, Moderna’s CEO said this week that the pandemic is on course to be over in about a year. Do you agree with that?” Stephanapoulos asked Bourla.

“I agree that, within a year, I think we will be able to come back to normal life,” Bourla agreed, but added, “I don’t think that this means that variants will not be continuing coming. And I don’t think that this means that we should be able to live our lives without having vaccinations, basically. But that’s – again, remains to be seen.’

Bourla said an annual vaccination would be the mostly likely outcome, much as people get an annual flu vaccine to help battle those disease variants.


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