Paul McCartney’s son is essentially his twin


Paul McCartney's son is essentially his twin

James McCartney has the chops of an old block.

Paul McCartney’s son was seen running errands around London in January. According to Daily MailMcCartney, the younger, wore sandals in cold weather and tended to have his hair untidy. It was his thick, untidy beard that resemblanced to James back in his days with The Beatles.

Paul’s distinctive facial hair, it turns out was not due to a moped accident. Paul says that he was riding on a moped, enjoying a full moon, when he lost control and his head hit the pavement. “There I was, chipped tooth and all. It came through my lip and split it,”Paul, via the Beatles Bible. The rocker had a plan. “In fact that was why I started to grow a moustache. It was pretty embarrassing, because around that time you knew your pictures would get winged off to teeny-boppery magazines like 16, and it was pretty difficult to have a new picture taken with a big fat lip. So I started to grow a moustache – a sort of Sancho Panza – mainly to cover where my lip had been sewn,”He elaborated. James might be James’ son. The world may never learn…


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