Paul Haggis denies sexual assault claims in Italy, says Accuser “Rehearsed”


Paul Haggis, who was arrested in Italy last month and has been speaking out for the first times since then, denied any sexual assault allegations. Interview with an Italian newspaper: Oscar-winning actress Paul Haggis “Crash”Director actively sought to discredit those women accusing of him, declaring that the latest one seemed incredibile “rehearsed” in her account.

The “Million Dollar Baby”Late June saw writer arrested on charges of sexual assault, aggravated personal injuries and criminal mischief. An unidentified woman charged the 70-year-old with forcing her to have sexual relations with him over two consecutive days in Ostuni.

A new interview with an Italian newspaper La Repubblica this week, Haggis said he’d “rather not talk about the woman who made these accusations”However, he did criticize her choice to keep his identity anonymous. Her claims that he abandoned her at Brindisi’s airport in the early hours of the morning were also refuted by her director. “despite her precarious physical and psychological conditions.”

“I see no plausible reason why any person who is genuinely interested in a relationship wouldn’t use her real name,”Haggis said. “During her interview, she appeared well prepared and rehearsed, not fragile or subjugated, as she claimed.”

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Haggis expanded on his claim about anything between him, the woman, being consensual. However, he added that he feels that he made mistakes in the circumstances, including the decision to take her to the airport.

“As I told the judge, my first mistake was allowing someone who I hardly knew to come and visit me,”He said. “It was foolish. The second mistake was on the last morning after an incident occurred that I personally found particularly unpleasant, I decided to end this situation; I took this person to the airport hours before her flight. I’m upset with myself for these errors in judgment but cannot comprehend that they resulted in false and damaging accusations against me.”

During the interview, the reporter also pointed out the sexual assault claims he faces from a separate woman back in the states, asking Haggis if it’s “possible you have a problem with women.”Haggis countered that he has had many relationships with women in his professional life and that none have ever made accusations against him.

“I have been working in theatre, television and film for over 40 years, and have collaborated with quite literally thousands of women over that time,”He said. “I was married twice, for twelve years each, and have a son and three great daughters, two of whom are married to incredible women. I have had relationships and great friendships with dozens of women. Not one woman has ever gone to the police or a prosecutor with a complaint about me, in any country. No, I most certainly don’t have a problem with women.”

Haggis was released last week from Italian detention as authorities continue to investigate the incident.

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