Paracetamol can be taken on an empty stomach


PARACETAMOL has become a national fixture in medicine cabinets. But, how should you use the painkiller?

This is how to use paracetamol, what to do with it, and if it should be taken with food.

Paracetamol is used for the treatment of mild to moderate pain


Paracetamol can be used to treat mild to moderate painCredit: PA Press Association

What is the best time to take paracetamol?

Paracetamol is an effective pain relief tablet that can be used for high temperatures and aches.

The medicine can be taken whole in tablet form.

Paracetamol can also be purchased in syrup or as a soluble tablet for those who have difficulty swallowing whole tablets.

The NHS websiteParacetamol is safe to be used at the correct dosage of one to two tablets, up to four times per 24 hours.

You should not take another dose after you have taken your first dose of one to two tablets or the equivalent form at 9am.

The third and fourth doses could be taken at 5 and 9 p.m. respectively. This gives you a total of four doses, or one to two tablets per hour.

It is important to wait four hours between the first paracetamol dose and the next one.

The NHS states that while one to two additional tablets may be acceptable over the recommended dose, any more could result in serious health problems.

The NHS website states: “Overdosing on paracetamol can cause serious side effects. Do not be tempted to increase the dose or to take a double dose if your pain is very bad.”

Respecting the dosage guidelines is crucial.

Oxford University has conducted a study that found: “Most people have no idea of the maximum daily dose of paracetamol. In the UK about one in four people frequently exceeds the maximum daily dose.”

How long does paracetamol take to work?

Paracetamol works for up to one hour according to the NHS website. The usual dose is one or two 500mg tablets.

The British Medical Journal (BMJ).According to that “Paracetamol is available in immediate-release (short-acting) and modified release (long-acting) preparations.”

Oxford University researchers however claim that “paracetamol can provide pain relief, but only for a small number of people. For postoperative pain, perhaps one in four people benefit; for headache perhaps one in ten.”

Can I take paracetamol prior to eating?

Paracetamol can either be taken with or without food, according to the NHS website.

Paracetamol is not an exception to the rule.

It is crucial to carefully read the instructions on the packaging. You should also consult your GP if you have any questions about medications.

You should dial 999 if you have taken too many paracetamol pills.

Call the NHS Helpline on 112 if you have additional medical concerns.

It is vital to have health issues discussed with your GP.


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