Oregon Man Surprises Wife With Long-Lost Wedding Tape at Private Movie Screening


Kayla and Drew Gottfried were celebrating their 14th wedding anniversary with a very special private screening at their local movie theatre in Eugene, Oregon. Kayla thought her husband had arranged for her to watch a favorite movie — “Top Gun” or “Galaxy Quest.”

But when the lights dimmed, what came on the big screen was their wedding video, which she thought had been lost for all these years.

Kayla sat there in tears, watching her ceremony from 2007, as she and Drew exchanged vows under a beautiful gazebo in front of 300 friends and family.

“As soon as the gazebo popped up, I knew this is our wedding. These are our wedding videos,” Kayla said.

So how did their long-lost wedding video re-appear?

It was in a box of old tapes stored at their church and discovered by chance by the church’s creative director, James D’anna.

“We had this old box of tapes and I just dug through here, playing things, popped it in the recorder and there was Drew and Kayla,” D’anna said.

Now the couple have memories of their wedding day — never to be misplaced again.


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