Omicron variant poses ‘very high’Fears of new risks ‘severe surges’WHO warns


Omicron Covid is a highly mutated variant of Omicron Covid. “very high”The World Health Organisation warns of the dangers to the entire world.

Yesterday’s report on “readiness for Omicron”The WHO has warned that future surges could occur.

The variant poses a very high risk for the whole world, the report warned


The report stated that the variant presents a high risk to the entire world.Credit: Getty

According to the alarming report, “Given mutations which may confer immunity escape potential and possibly transmissibility benefit, there is a high likelihood of Omicron spreading at the global level.”

“Depending on these characteristics there may be future surges in Covid-19. This could have serious consequences depending on many factors, including where the surges might occur.

“The overall global risk related to the new VOC Omicron is assessed as very high.”

It is the most evolved so far with 50 mutations, 32 of which are of particular concern, and could be worse than Delta, experts have warned.

Scientists believe that the “horrific”New variant available “better at infecting vaccinated people”However, it will take weeks to determine the extent of this.

Experts have compared the Beta variant to the Beta version, which was created in South Africa in 2020. It saw vaccine efficacy decrease by 30 to 40%.

It came as Tedros Adhanom the WHO’s director general for vaccines, had urged all nations to contribute their vaccine supply.

He stated that today’s world does not need to be locked down and instead must use science and knowledge of each other to defeat the virus.

Dr Adhanom stated: “The best way that we can address them, is with a legally binding arrangement between all nations.

“An agreement that says we don’t have a future, but a common one. Although no one will get everything they want, it is better than someone not getting what they need.

“The time has come for countries to come together and agree on a common approach”

Boris Johnson announced a variety of measures to stop the spread of the virus on Saturday, with nine confirmed cases in Britain.

Brits now have to wear masks when shopping and traveling by public transport. Omicron-positive people must be isolated from the rest of the world for 10 days.

Omicron variant poses ‘very high’Fears of new risks ‘severe surges’WHO warns
Omicron variant poses ‘very high’Fears of new risks ‘severe surges’WHO warns


Travellers arriving in the UK from anywhere in the world must take a PCR test by the end of their second day in the country and self-isolate until they receive a negative result.

A minister in another country has admitted today that the UK is his. “can’t stop”Omicron spread.

Sajid Javid, the Health Secretary has so far resisted calls for a lockdown to ensure that infections and hospitalisations are not further exacerbated “nowhere near”The required level.

Yesterday, he spoke of people “should continue with their plans for normal as Christmas”But be warned! “irresponsible”for him to ensure that there won’t be any further restrictions in future.

This worrying new variant was discovered in 14 countries. Global travel restrictions have been put in place to stop the spread of the virus.

The UK has added ten countries to the red list: South Africa (Namibia, Lesotho), Botswana Eswatini Zimbabwe, Angola Mozambique Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho and Botswana.

America, Australia and India have introduced travel bans, quarantines, and additional screenings.

Edward Argar states that he doesn’t expect Covid restrictions to be tightened over the next three week.

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