Omicron Covid variant contact will need to isolate for 10 day regardless of vaccination status.


The new rules require that anyone who has come in contact with Omicron Covid-infected persons must isolate for ten consecutive days, regardless of whether they have received vaccinations.

The new restrictions were announced by the Prime Minister this evening amid increasing fears about the super-strain.

Anyone in contact with the Omicron variant will have to isolate for ten days


Anybody coming in contact with Omicron variants will need to isolate for ten consecutive daysCredit: Alamy

It is the second Omicron variant case to be reported in Essex and Nottingham.

The PM stated that we now have to take “proportionate and targeted measures”It is being slowed down in Britain.

Boris Johnson said that all people arriving in the UK should take a PCR test to determine if they are Covid-19 positive.

Anyone traveling to the UK from abroad must make this change.

At a Downing Street Press Conference on Saturday, he stated that while we don’t intend to stop people traveling, we will insist that anyone who arrives in the UK take a PCR testing within two days of arrival. If they do not have a positive result, they can self-isolate and continue their journey until the next day.

“Second: We need to slow down this variant’s spread here in the UK. Because measures at the UK border can only ever minimize and delay the arrival a new variant, rather than stop it entirely.

“We will ask all contacts of anyone who tests positive for Omicron to self isolate for 10 days, regardless of whether or not you have been vaccinated.

“We will also go further in asking all of you to help contain the spread of this variant by tightening up the rules on face coverings in shops and on public transport.”


Johnson added: “Third, but most importantly, we must strengthen our protections against the new variant.”

We don’t know yet how effective our Omicron vaccines will be, but we have strong reasons to believe they will at least provide some protection.

“If you are boosted, your response will likely be stronger so it is more important than ever that people get their shots and we get those boosters in arms as quickly as possible.

“We are going to boost our booster campaign. We already plan to do six million jabs alone in England within the next three weeks. Now we want to go even further.

“The Health Secretary has asked the JCVI (Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation) to consider giving boosters to as wide a group as possible as well as reducing the gap between your second dose and your booster.”

Despite growing concerns, the PM assured that they would continue to support their people. “Christmas will be considerably better than last year.”


The new rules require everyone to wear a mask when they go into shops, museums, or public transport in England, unless they are exempt from medical requirements.

Boris Johnson indicated that the exact rules regarding face coverings would be published soon.

At the Downing Street press conference, he stated that “on face coverings, we’re looking into retail and transport, just returning to a situation where you have to use them in retail settings or public transport.”

“But the Health Secretary Saj (Javid) will be setting out more in the course of the next day or so.”

Grant Shapps, Transport Secretary said that face coverings would be required for public transport. “in some other indoor settings”.

He tweeted, “With the first Omicron variant cases identified in the UK. We’re taking extra steps to protect public safety.”

“All fully vaccinated visitors to the UK must self-isolate upon arrival, perform a PCR test within 24 hours or before day 2, then continue self-isolating until they get a negative result.

“Those who have tested positive must be isolated for 10 days. Unvaccinated travelers will not be affected by the changes. A face covering will be required for all public transport users and indoors.

“These are targeted measures to provide confidence and protection, and we will review these measures in three weeks to ensure they are working effectively.”

In shops and public transport, face coverings will be compulsory “next week”A statement by 10 Downing Street.

After the Prime Minister’s press conference it was announced that “face coverings will become mandatory in shops and on public transportation starting next week.”

“All hospitality settings will be exempt.”

These restrictions do not apply to Scotland or Wales, nor Northern Ireland. They also signal a U-Turn on England’s road map out of lockdown.


Sajid Javid today confirmed that two people tested positive for the Omicron variant in Britain.

The Health Secretary said that the cases were linked and that both infected individuals are currently residing with their families.

People infected traveled from southern Africa to the UK, where Omicron cases are on the rise.

To combat the spread of the disease, Angola Mozambique Malawi Zambia and Mozambique have been added to UK Government’s redlist. This means that arrivals will need to remain at home for a minimum of 10 days starting tomorrow morning at 4am.

Chelmsford and Nottingham are also implementing targeted testing. “precaution”.

Sky News’ Mr Javid made the announcement and said: “Last night, I was contacted in the UK by the UK Health Security Agency.

“I was told that Omicron has been detected in two cases in the United Kingdom.

“One in Chelmsford, the other in Nottingham.”

He said, “Thanks to our world-class genome sequencing, we have been made aware that there are two cases in the UK of Omicron variant.”

“We have made rapid progress and individuals are now self-isolating, while contact tracing continues.

“We will protect the UK public from this emerging threat. This is why we are testing our capacity and imposing travel restrictions in four other countries: Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia.

“We won’t hesitate to take further actions if necessary.”

“This is a stark reminder of the fact that we are still not out of this pandemic.

“Getting the vaccine has never been more important – please come forward for your first jab if you haven’t already and if eligible, book your booster as soon as possible.”

Face coverings are set to return


Face coverings will returnCredit: Getty
Boris Johnson announces worldwide testing plan for fighting omicron variant to save Xmas lockdown

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