New York trip opening move in Harry and Meghan’s bid to boost US profile, expert claims


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s recent trip to New York City is an example of them “squandering” the platform they have to help causes dear to them, a royal expert has claimed.

Daniela Elser has claimed that if the Sussexes want to establish a new identity for themselves in the US which is distinct from their previous royal past, they will have to set an agenda which doesn’t echo what they would do as royals.

Writing for News.Au, Elser argued that the trip is “the opening move in their campaign to establish their new, shiny Stateside public identities and to try to carve out a place for themselves in the national firmament.”

The Sussexes meet with New York mayor Bill de Blasio, Governor Kathy Hochul, Chirlane McCray, and Dante De Blasio at the One World observatory
The Sussexes meet with New York mayor Bill de Blasio, Governor Kathy Hochul, Chirlane McCray, and Dante De Blasio at the One World observatory

A recent trip to New York City saw the pair visiting One World Trade Centre in a move slammed by Elser as part of an exercise to improve the Sussex’s public image.

The royal expert went on to argue that when Meghan switched from one “truly sublime” outfit to another for the next set of engagements, this was to ensure that their would be two distinct sets of images from the day’s appointments.

This is all well and good, argued Elser, but shows that the visit may have been planned more as a PR exercise to boast the public image of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex stateside.

She described it as “less like a monarchical outing and more like a marketing opportunity.”

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry visit the 9/11 memorial
The visit was slammed by royal expert Daniela Elser as a missed opportunity

Elser claimed that the Sussexes have a platform that they can use to affect real change, but that carrying out what she claims is a PR exercise such as this one does little to help the causes they back.

She admits that Meghan possess an “incredible power”, but argued that she is “squandering” it “while she and Harry take themselves off on their self-styled ‘royal tour’.”

The royal expert also claimed that despite saying they want to distance themselves from their old roles, these new roles appear to be “knock-off copies” of their old ones.

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