New trial finds single-dose ‘Polypill’ could be a game changer for cardiovascular disease


New trial finds single-dose 'Polypill’ could be a game changer for cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular Disease is the general term for conditions that affect the heart or blood vessels. Cleveland Clinic). It is used to mean coronary heart disease. This refers to fatty deposits that build up in the blood vessels and cause them narrow. Angina, heart attacks and other issues can result. Another condition that affects the structure and function of the heart is called cardiovascular disease. This includes congenital heart disease (valvular heart disease), cardiomyopathy (cardiomyopathy), and congenital heart disease (cardiomyopathy).

One of the leading causes for death worldwide is cardiovascular disease. It is responsible for over 17 million deaths annually (via). The World Health Organization). It is possible to prevent cardiovascular disease. You can reduce your chances of developing heart disease by making lifestyle changes such as changing your diet and exercising regularly. There are several treatments for cardiovascular disease that can help you manage it and decrease your chance of getting further complications. These treatments include lifestyle changes, medication and surgery.


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