New monkeypox skin symptoms identified – as ‘more deaths expected’


Worldwide, monkeypox cases are on the rise. Experts warn that new skin symptoms may be emerging.

A fever is a common sign of this illness, along with swelling in the lymph nodes.

Medics have revealed that the most common sign of the virus has changed


Doctors revealed that the most prevalent sign of the virus is now changingCredit: Getty
The above chart shows the different monkeypox symptoms people have been experiencing


Below is a chart that shows all the symptoms of monkeypox.

A new review of 185 cases published by the British Journal of Dermatology found that this was not the case.

Physicians now state that rare pseudo-pustules are the most common sign of this epidemic.

They look similar to pustules but are solid and white.

You can usually remove the top layer of pustules with standard pustules.

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This is not possible with pseudo-pustules and experts warn that this can lead to ulcers.

According to the medics, this is an important discovery because very few diseases can cause this reaction.

Dr Ignacio García Doval, the coordinator of the research from the Spanish Academy of Dermatology said a crucial part of the outbreak is having as much information as possible.

“Our research has shown that the current outbreak is not common and that there is evidence that it is caused by skin-to-skin contact during sexual activity.

“Recent cases are less likely to show the same rash as in the past, and more often have fewer lesions in one area.

“It is particularly important for healthcare professionals to note the appearance of these skin lesions.

“Monkeypox is often described as causing pustules, pus-filled lesions, but in this outbreak, the main skin symptom is actually pseudo-pustules, white, solid papules which look like pustules, but which don’t contain any pus.

“This feature is very rare in other diseases, so is a very clear sign of monkeypox.”

He stated that there was no death in the research and that hospitalisation was not uncommon.

He added, however, that the disease is uncomfortable and can lead to long-term complications including visible scarring.

This study comes at a time when two deaths were recorded in Europe.

In the UK cases have risen up to 2,469 confirmed infections on July 28.

Also, 77 were recorded by Medics “highly probable”Infections, bringing the total number to 2,546.

Spain is the worst-hit country, with 4,298 confirmed cases.

Doctors now expect more deaths as the virus continues to spread.

Catherine Smallwood, Senior Emergency Officer at World Health Organization Europe, stated that “Our goal should be to interrupt transmission in Europe quickly and stop this epidemic.”

“With the spread of monkeypox throughout Europe, we can expect to see more people die.”

“We know that although the disease is self-limiting in most cases, monkeypox can cause severe complication,”She continued.


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