Natalie Warned Shayne, She’d Say No at the Wedding

  • “Love Is Blind”Natalie Lee, a cast member, spoke to the LA Times about her wedding on the show.
  • Natalie said “I don’t” after her fiancé, Shayne, had already said “I do.”
  • She gave him an indication that she would answer no. However, she suspects he was trying to convince her otherwise.

Natalie Lee left her fiancé Shayne Jensen at the altar during the season two finale of


The experimental reality dating show “Love Is Blind.”

Although the statement of the 29-year old consultant was not a true statement, “I don’t”Surprise to the audience and Shayne (32), himself, Natalie claims she knew of her plans in advance.

“I did give Shayne the heads-up I was saying no, and he was very aware that that was gonna be my response,” Natalie In a new interview, he told the Los Angeles Times. “I think in his head he was hoping that it might change, that I would change my mind going down the aisle, but I was very transparent it was gonna be a no.”

In the weeks leading up to Shayne and Natalie’s wedding, they both had to deal with the aftermath of a major fight. Off-camera, it was revealed that the couple had been involved in an argument the night before. Natalie later discovered that the real estate agent had informed Natalie that he “hated”She was with her “the worst thing to ever happen to him.”

Shayne was asked first by the officiant at the altar for his response.

“I do, a thousand times over,”Shayne told Natalie. “You’re my best friend and there was no one else I’d rather do this with in my entire life.”

A woman in a strapless wedding dress with long, curled hair and a taller man wearing a navy blue tuxedo.

Season 2: Natalie Lee and Shayne Jansen “Love Is Blind.”

Adrian S. Burrows Sr./Netflix

It was then Natalie’s turn.

“I’m so glad that we’ve shared this journey together. I think we’ve grown a lot as two people who have fallen in love. I know I’ve grown a lot because of you,”Before she dropped the hammer, she said. “But I don’t. I’m so sorry. “

Shayne stood there in shock. Natalie lowered her voice to a whisper that only he (and his mic) could hear.

“I’m really sorry Shayne,”She spoke. “I still love you. And you’re still my best friend, but we have really big issues to sort through.”

“I know,”He replied.

Shayne was the next to leave the wedding hall, while Natalie left first. They had an argument outside, both still carrying over the fight from the night before. Natalie, a woman who was not her ex, later said that she would have said it. “yes”It wouldn’t have been for the fight the night before.

Natalie claims that the Netflix team did not ‘force’ anyone to walk down the aisle. However, by the time Natalie made her decision there were many people at the wedding

natalie love is blind

Natalie on “Love Is Blind.”


Talk The LA TimesNatalie stated that the Netflix production team did not have any. “force”They can have a full wedding.

“Why we decided to go down the [aisle] and make that decision — our friends and family all flew in for the wedding and, so, by the time I really made the choice to say no, people are just showing up to my wedding and so you just feel like, OK, I’ve got to go down and make the decision,”She spoke.

Natalie also talked about Shayne’s failed wedding and how they tried to keep dating even after the filming was finished. She shared her thoughts about Shayne’s. “instances of gaslighting continued”to occur when they disagree.

“That’s when I started to realize, ‘OK, these aren’t healthy arguments, these aren’t healthy conversations,'”She spoke. “And I don’t think that he purposefully does it. I think when he’s emotional, he’s just very reactive. And I think my first reaction is, ‘OK, I need to de-escalate the situation,’ and I think that leads to these unhealthy situations.”

Insider has more information about how the couple reconciled. Read Insider’s story here on Shayne’s Instagram tribute for Natalie. “remorse”For his actions.


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