NASA’s claims of’signs’ of life on Venus by a NASA scientist fuel alien existence theories


NASA's claims of'signs' of life on Venus by a NASA scientist fuel alien existence theories

A NASA scientist with decades of experience says she is certain about “possible signs of life” on other planets like Venus, thus adding to existing theories about “aliens” that have surfaced in the recent past.

UFO enthusiasts, intelligence agencies and even commoners are desperately looking for answers to unravel the mysteries of aerial phenomena an average mind can’t comprehend. The facts and theories presented by Dr. Michelle Thaller have inched people closer to the possibility of “aliens“.

Possible ‘life’ on Venus claims fuel alien theories

Dr. Michelle, who works as a scientist at NASA‘s Goddard Space Flight Center, has revealed that researchers have seen “possible signs of life” in the atmosphere of Venus, but they need to be 100 per cent certain with proof to back the findings, which is lacking at the moment.

You can also find out more about the She Speaking Central Recorder was featured in Beyond the Light At Artechouse New York. This exhibition offers the general public the opportunity to experience deep space exploration.

Dr. Michelle believes that there is a possibility of alien life existing in space, which humans are unaware of.

“We see possible signs of life in the atmosphere of Venus. Under the ice on the icy satellites of Jupiter or Saturn. The Solar System may be teaming with simple life, microbial life,” she said.

Scientists believe that Venus’ atmosphere could support life even though humans are not likely to enjoy it.

The acidity in the clouds created by chemical reactions may support the existence of life. There are theories that life could exist in the cloud.

Scientists think that outer space harbors life

NASA scientists refuse to accept that humans are the sole living organisms in space, despite the fact there is no proof of life beyond Earth.

While addressing the audience at the exhibition, Michelle said: “I think it’s only a matter of time until we have proof that it’s in the Solar System.”

“But that’s the thing, we’re waiting until there’s nothing else it could possibly be because can you imagine the kind of trouble we’d get in? We don’t have absolute proof yet. Do I think there’s life out there? Absolutely.” she added.

Two years ago researchers at different universities such as Cardiff, MIT, Cambridge and Cardiff predicted that there was life on Venus. You can also see our suggested article that Venus could be becoming “more habitable” after evidence of “lifeforms” was found in its clouds.

It was suggested that the chemical reaction from the gases – nitrogen and hydrogen – could neutralize the concentration of the acid to support life.

The study also determined that the life found on a cloud on Venus could be similar to bacteria found on Earth, but doesn’t suggest aliens exist as many have assumed.

Avoid false claims

UAP reports and the UFO hearing of the United States Reps. 2023 only served to fuel rumors.

Internet claims are unsupported and there is a lot of morphed imagery that suggests aliens exist. Below is a compilation of such stories related to extraterrestrial lives that’ll make you question your beliefs.

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