Mysterious Human Leg Clad in Sock Found by Kids Fishing in Mississippi, Authorities Investigate

Shocking Discovery: Kids Reel in Human Leg While Fishing in Mississippi Pond

A gruesome finding shocked a group of children fishing in a Mississippi pond when they snagged a badly decomposed human leg still wearing a sock, as reported by police.

Major Discovery at Primos Lake

The horrific discovery took place around 7 p.m. on a Sunday in Flowood, a suburb of Jackson. The children wasted no time and immediately contacted 911 after making the disturbing find.

Police Investigation Underway

Upon closer inspection, authorities determined that the remains had been submerged in the water for an extended period. Police Chief Eric Zetterholm revealed that the leg had decomposed to the point of mostly bone, with the sock still attached.

Uncovering the Mystery

The kids had been fishing near Primos Lake, located in the vicinity of an old city mine featuring “No Trespassing” signs, according to police reports. Following the discovery, the Rankin County Coroner took custody of the limb and intends to carry out DNA testing to identify the individual.

Search for Clues Continues

Local and county officials are set to comb the waters for potential additional remains on the following day. The investigation remains ongoing as authorities work to unravel the surrounding circumstances.

Next Steps and Future Developments

As the search for answers continues, the community stands on edge as the shocking discovery of the human leg sends ripples across the small Mississippi town. The relentless effort to piece together the puzzle and bring closure to the situation echoes through the waters of Primos Lake.

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