Mysterious Green ‘Grid of Dots’ in the Sky Finally Revealed by Clever iPhone Users – Uncover the Truth Behind the Eerie Photo!


Shocking Photo Reveals Mysterious Green Dots Floating in the Sky – What Are They?

A GRID of green dots appeared in an image of a lamp post and baffled the photo taker but there is a fascinating reason why it exists. The green dots seem to be floating in the sky making it look ghost-like but smart iPhone users explained it is part of the refracted lighting.

Exploring the Green Dot Phenomenon

The image was posted to Reddit with a caption that said, “What are the green dots in this picture?” The post got tons of interactions as well with many people stumped on what the green dot grid could be. But the answer emerged and turns out there is a perfectly normal technical reasoning. An informed Reddit user responded, “Those are the refracted individual LED lights from the lampost itself.” “Any lights entering the camera lens head-on always has this effect.”

Revelation of the Refraction

The revelation in the Reddit post made other people realize the refracted light also occurred when they were taking images of the solar eclipse or the sun. Multiple people shared their images of the eclipse which shows the bright shining sun and then the reflected image of the moon a few inches away. The moon also showed up in a green hue similar to the lamp post lights.

Lens Reflections in Photography

Many iPhone users have stumbled upon this phenomenon as well, and it was even highlighted in a discussion on Apple’s website. In areas with large brightly lit areas, like signs, the entire lit area may appear inverted as a ‘ghost image’ elsewhere in the image. The discussion is named, “iPhone Camera Lens and Reflections.” The refracted light was explained in more detail and said to be the result of direct light going into the camera lens which creates a ghost-like image. Lens flare occurs when light is scattered or flared within a lens system, most often in response to bright sources of light. This happens in all lens systems as light is refracted by the lenses and hits other surfaces before finally reaching the imaging sensor. On the iPhone Camera, this is most frequently seen as dots orange or green in color that can be found to be directly related to a bright light source elsewhere in the image.


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