My newborn thought he had caught his sister’s illness. I was horrified when he suddenly turned blue.


A CHILDREN’S FAMILY was devastated to learn that their 11-day old son had a cold-like illness.

Chloe Hodgkinson was 22 years old and hails from Haydock. She was going to her GP for an appointment regarding an unrelated illness. Joshua, 11 days, came along.

Chloe is determined to warn other parents so that they can spot the signs of sepsis


Chloe wants to warn parents about the dangers of sepsis and urges them to take action.Credit: Jam Press/Chloe Hodgkinson
The newborn had been suffering with cold and flu symptoms a few days beforehand


The infant had been experiencing symptoms of cold and flu for a few days before.Credit: Jam Press/Chloe Hodgkinson
After a week of antibiotics and round-the-clock care, Joshua's condition began to improve


Joshua began to feel better after a week of antibiotics, round-the-clock care and 24-hour monitoring.Credit: Jam Press/Chloe Hodgkinson

On leaving the GP surgery, dad Teejay peered over to look at their newborn – only to notice their baby boy had begun to turn blue.

“This was when our whole world began to fall apart,” the mum explained.

After Joshua received CPR immediately from his GP, his family noticed a visible rash.

The baby later ran to Whiston Hospital, where he was finally diagnosed with Sepsis.

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“I remember just sitting there with my head in my hands, distressed, thinking that my son was going to die right in front of me,”Chloe said.

The infant had suffered from symptoms of cold and flu for a few days before.

His parents thought he was catching it from Alexis, a one-year-old girl.

“We thought it was nothing more than a slight bug and being around her snuffly nose and cough,”She said.

Joshua finally came around just in time for the ambulance to arrive and was then taken to the hospital.

Chloe states that Joshua was released by doctors after only a short stay. She said that the blue skin was a result of Joshua choking breast milk.

Teejay, a father-watcher, noticed Joshua’s rash and asked for his child to be examined again.

The medical staff discovered that the baby was no longer breathing.

Joshua was given assisted breathing equipment and the family was taken to high alert.

Chloe said that “there were so many cannulas emerging from his tiny body.”

“As a baby, you can only imagine how difficult this was for us parents.

“He had a brain scan, X-rays, heart scans and a lumbar puncture which we were not allowed to attend due to it not being a nice sight.”

What are the signs and symptoms of sepsis?

Sepsis can cause damage to the kidneys, brain, heart, and lungs. Knowing the signs of Sepsis can help parents get their children to the hospital quickly, which can improve their chances of a positive outcome.

Rapid breathing/shortness in breath

– Cold, mottled, pale skin

– Very high temperature or very low temperature

– Bluish the skin or lips

– Poor feeding

– Vomiting/Diarrhoea

– Lethargy/difficulty sleeping

– Low or no urine output

– A non-fading, rash

“Above all, parents should trust their instincts. If you have any concerns whatsoever that your child may have sepsis, please seek urgent medical attention,”Charity Sepsis Research FEAT said.

She said, “It was really scary and I didn’t even have time to think about how it was all going.

“All I cared about was my baby boy.”

Joshua began to feel better after a week of antibiotics, and round-the clock care.

Later, he was discharged from the hospital and has not had any health issues since.

Chloe said: “It’s scary to think that if we were not at the doctor’s surgery at that point in time, we could have lost our son.

“I’m so thankful I have my cheeky little boy with the world ahead of him in my life.”

Chloe was so traumatized by the incident that she decided to warn other parents and get help to spot signs of sepsis early.

She added: “Newborns are generally sleepy and unable to communicate, it’s so difficult to identify the signs.

“Symptoms of sepsis in infants are seldom discussed.

She continued: “As young mothers, we didn’t know about Sepsis or the signs and symptoms to watch for. Teejay and me were only 18 and 21 years old at that time.

“With Joshua, his signs of sepsis came from cold and flu symptoms,”She elaborated.

He didn’t have a high fever and he didn’t show any unusual symptoms. Newborns tend to be lazy.

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“I would only tell other parents to follow their gut instincts.

“Babies are so unpredictable and it can quickly turn into a situation of life and death.”


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