My grandfather was the first to arrive at Roswell UFO Crash. He told us that alien bodies had been found, and he also helped cover it up.


The Roswell UFO crash victim was the first to inspect the debris. He maintained that it was extra-terrestrial and had to conceal it from his family. “were telling the truth,”His grandson has spoken.

Speaking at the 75th Anniversary of The infamous incidentJesse Marcel III, grandson to Major Jesse Marcel III, claims that there are still pieces of wreckage out there and is optimistic he will discover them.

Jesse Marcel III claims his granddad told him aliens were found at the UFO crash


Jesse Marcel III claims that his granddad claimed that aliens were present at the UFO-crash.Credit: SWNS
Dr Jesse Marcel, left, and Major Jesse Marcel, right


Dr Jesse Marcel (left) and Major Jesse Marcel (right).Credit: SWNS
It has been 75 years since the UFO crash


It’s been 75 years since UFO crashes.

Jesse Sr was an intelligence officer for the 509th Bomb Group, who was sent to the scene of the crash in 1947 to investigate the crash and bring pieces of the strange debris back to the army base.

On his way to the base, he stopped to show Jesse Marcel II the strange materials. He explained to the youngster that they were parts of a flying saucer.

Jesse Sr., who was killed in 1986, brought the debris pack to the Army base. He was then ordered to cover up the incident – pretending that the crash was an accident. “non-event”The weather balloon that caused the damage was actually what caused it.

Speaking at the 75th Anniversary UFO Festival in Roswell, New Mexico, Jesse III told Central Recorder: “My grandfather would always tell a little bit about the story than grin and say, ‘There’s so much more, I just can’t tell you about it.'”

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Jesse III added: “He shared a lot with us about what was seen and what he found out.”

“He was very careful about what he said to us because he was worried that if he said the wrong thing, that maybe somebody would come and hassle us about it.”

He added: “There are lots of stories about Roswell out there, some true, some not, but the big thing he talked about was the material he found and the different sites.

“Everybody would ask him about the alien bodies, and he was always quick to talk about there being another site to the one he was sent to, where people said they found bodies.”

Jesse III continued: “And, my grandfather said, ‘You can believe their words.’

“So, he didn’t directly see any alien body but said that we could believe the statements of other responders.

“It was a way of staying one person out from saying it himself.”

Jesse heard about the Roswell wreckage mysterious from both his grandfather Jesse Sr., and his father Jesse II.

They used the pieces to play with them at home, even the bizarre i beams, which were small rods made of metal with weird hieroglyphic symbols.

The two men described the other wreckage as a kind of metal that was ‘as light as the foil in cigarette packets’ and ‘couldn’t be dented.’

“My father was 11, 12, at the time, and my grandfather came home at about 2am and woke him and my grandmother up and said. ‘I want to show you something,'” Jesse III said.

“And when they came out, they saw the kitchen and they saw this stuff laid out all over a bunch of junk all over the place.”

He continued, “And grandma was like ‘Why did you ruin my kitchen?’

“My grandfather said, ‘You guys look at this and see if you see anything that looks familiar to you or if any of it looks like it fits together?”

Jesse III said: “They played with it for about an hour and couldn’t find anything that was comparable to the technology at the time. And nothing that could fit together.”

“My grandfather told them at the time, ‘I think this is a flying saucer.'”

Jesse III has been added: “And what’s interesting about that is the flying saucer word was coined only about a month before this happened.”

Researchers continue to be fascinated by the ‘i beams’ discovered by Jesse II. Replicas of these beams show the strange symbols he remembers. These symbols were taken from his diaries and hypnosis sessions.


Jesse III stated: “My father discovered this rod of steel and went under a lamp in the kitchen.

“And he noticed if you looked at it at an angle, these symbols would appear, so looking at it straight on, it was nothing.”

He added: “But, if you looked at them sideways – it appeared.

“They never said hologram, but it was that kind of idea.”

Jesse III added: “So they have always assumed this to be some sort of an alien languages, of course.

“He actually wrote some symbols during hypnosis. Some were taken from his journal.

“One funny story is that my dad showed my grandfather the ‘i beam’ and asked him what he thought it was, and my grandfather said, ‘It’s probably how you use the onboard bathroom.'”

Jesse III added: “He was a funny man.

“One of the symbols was basically a triangle with a ball on top of it.

“My father, as a child, explained to us he remembered it as a seal with a ball in his nose.

“That was prominent. There’s a lot more of those than any other symbol.”

He concluded: “All of the debris from the crash is believed to have been taken by military officials and there is no surviving fragments known to be in the public domain.”

However, Jesse III is certain that fragments have survived and he is currently making a documentary about how he is hunting them down.

In 2020, Central Recorder reported how a British UFO researcher, Philip Mantle, said a witness told him Jesse Sr confided in him that he kept three pieces of the UFO in a hot water heater at his home in Houma, Louisiana.

Jesse III said that there may be truth to the statement.

“I talked to my brother and sister and we remembered a story about a boiler in the basement and some parts.”

He continued, “And it’s interesting, I mean…it was said when were we little children, but the Louisiana home, however, is on a Bayou.

“When the accident happened, my grandfather didn’t keep any of the debris, but at a later date, one of his commanders, Blanchard, came to his house to play bridge.

“And he had one of these ‘i beams’ with him and my idea is that he probably left that with my grandfather and that made it back.”

He stated, “We’re searching for it ourselves now.

“The Louisiana house was damaged by Katrina. However, we believe there’s still a piece of Louisiana. We’re currently creating a documentary series about it.

“We haven’t found it yet. But will we find a piece? I think we will.”

Jesse III believes that his grandfather was taken to military headquarters for an intensive debriefing. He returned to base and was told to cover it up.

Jesse III was astonished to discover that his grandfather was on two weeks leave at those times.

“It wasn’t really a family leave and it looks like my grandfather and some of his commanders went somewhere,”He stated.

“When they returned, my grandfather met again with my father, grandmother, and stated, in a very direct way, that this was an unimportant event.

He continued, “You didn’t see anything. Don’t talk to anyone about it.”

“We think that he was taken for some kind of debriefing somewhere.”

He continued: “Saying it was a non-event is kind of funny verbiage to use.”

Jesse III takes aim at the sceptics. He said that there was no reason for his grandfather or father to lie, especially to their grandchildren and children.

“There is no reason for them to lie, they didn’t gain financially from this – quite the opposite.

“It wasn’t easy for them to come forward about what they knew, especially in those times.”

Jesse III continued: “My father was a colonel and a doctor in the military, but he didn’t hold back anything.”

“He always said what he saw and he believed what he saw, and so I would say I’m very proud of him, it’s part of our history.”

He also said that his grandfather was a historical figure.

“People have said, ‘Did they really see what they said they saw?'”

Jesse III continue: “Well, my grandfather and father believed it and told us throughout our whole lives. Why would your direct relatives lie to your grandkids?”

Jesse Sr was inducted into Roswell Walk of Fame. This honors people who have significant connections with UFO research and investigation, science, and the space professions.

Jesse III said his grandfather would be excited about the honor and the fact people are still interested in the case 75 years after the event.

He insists that, despite the doubts, his grandfather was positive about his role at Roswell and considered himself lucky to be a part.

“People have told me that my grandfather was under immense pressure and that he was the one who fell, and that this was what they said to me.

“Actually, when he was in later life anyway, he was very proud to be that person.”

Jesse III stated: “He thought he had been lucky that of all the people in the world, he would be the one who got out there.”

“So he was actually really happy about that.”

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He continued: “And he went through a lot of pressure, from military officials and things.”

“As head of intelligence, his job was invested in it, then part of his job was to also cover it up at, so he had to fall in his sword, but despite that, he was very positive about it.”

Space fans are attended the annual UFO Festival to mark the anniversary of the Roswell accident


Space fans attended the UFO Festival annually to commemorate the Roswell accident’s anniversaryCredit: SWNS
The Roswell incident happened in 1946


1946 saw the Roswell incident.Credit: SWNS


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