My four tips are essential for a quick internet boost.


It can be difficult to use a WI-FI connection that is faulty.

Christian Taylor from YouTube’s @Craylor has advised households to take four simple steps to increase internet speeds.

TV signals can interfere with your Wi-Fi waves, so make sure they're not too close together


Be careful not to place your Wi-Fi too close to the TV. This can cause interference with both.Credit: Alamy

1. Move your router

Taylor said, “Let’s be honest. Your router is most likely in a cupboard somewhere.”

It should be placed in an open space, such as a room.

It’s important to not put it behind or inside a large object or cabinet that can block signals.

2. Get better equipment

Taylor says that the router you get from your provider is “not always great”.

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You can also try other Wi-Fi hubs that will improve the connection speed.

3. Upgrade your internet connection speed

Taylor said, “You don’t need the best router if the internet is too slow.

You should ask your provider about the speed of your connection.

Use an internet speed tester to see what your true signal strength is.

It is not necessary to upgrade the signal strength if it falls between 200mps-400mps.

4. Ethernet Cable

An Ethernet cable or network cable is a cord used to connect devices to a router, so you can get top speeds that aren’t impacted by signal strength.

He explained that “if it’s not possible to install an Ethernet cable on the floor of your home, you could have a professional in your area install a jack.”

However, this option can get pricey, ranging up to $150 (£117).

Tech expert and entrepreneur Chris Taylor, known as @Craylor on YouTube


Chris Taylor, the tech expert and entrepreneur known on YouTube as @CraylorCredit: Craylor Media

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My four tips are essential for a quick internet boost.

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