Monkeypox could get better at infecting humans and lead to major outbreaks, scientists warn


THE monkeypox virus could get better at infecting humans and lead to major outbreaks, experts have warned.

So far, there have been 190 confirmed cases of monkeypox identified from 6th to 31st May in the UK.

The monkeypox virus has been detected globally, with 190 cases in the UK


The monkeypox virus has been detected globally, with 190 cases in the UKCredit: Reuters

A total of 183 were in England, four were in Scotland, two were in Northern Ireland and one in Wales.

Looking at England’s cases, the UK Health Security Agency revealed that 86 per cent were in London – with 132 infections in the capital.

As the spread continues globally, scientists have said the recent outbreaks are an ‘accumulation of years of warnings that basically went ignored’.

Monkeypox is usually found in Western African, and due to that, medics say other countries don’t often pay attention.

UK's monkeypox epicentre revealed - as 86% cases traced to one city
I'm a monkeypox expert - here are the 13 things you need to know

Scientist and infectious diseases physician at Emory University in Atlanta, Dr Boghuma Titanji said researchers have long been concerned that it could fill the gap left by smallpox.

“If given the opportunity to spread unchecked … it could get better at infecting humans and lead to bigger outbreaks than what we’ve seen in the past,” she told CBC News.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) said that some 550 cases have been reported in the latest spike in infections across 30 countries where the virus is not commonly found.

Now global health leaders have said the bug may have been spreading undetected for years.

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the WHO said it’s expected that more cases of the illness will be found.

Speaking at a press conference on monkeypox, Covid-19 and other global health issues he said: “Investigations are ongoing, but the sudden appearance of monkeypox in many countries at the same time suggests there may have been undetected transmission for some time.

“WHO is urging affected countries to widen their surveillance, to look for cases in the broader community.

“Anyone can be infected with monkeypox if they have close physical contact with someone else who is infected.

The signs of monkeypox you need to know

Experts at the UK Health Security Agency have said all Brits should be on the look out for key signs and symptoms.

The signs may include:

  1. Fever
  2. Headache
  3. Muscle aches
  4. Backache
  5. Chills
  6. Exhaustion
  7. Night sweats
  8. Cold-like symptoms, such as congestion and runny nose
  9. Swollen lymph nodes
  10. Swollen groin
  11. Rash

Medics said that complications of the illness were documented as:

  • low mood
  • severe pain
  • conjunctivitis

“It’s important to remember that generally, monkeypox symptoms resolve on their own, but it can be severe in some cases.”

Dr Rosamund Lewis added that right now, monkeypox is in the ‘outbreak’ stage and could be stopped.

She said that there is cause for concern, as it’s not yet clear how long the virus has been in circulation for.

“So we don’t really know whether it’s too late to contain, what WHO and all member states are certainly trying to do is to prevent onward spread.”

Due to the spread, Brits have been urged to look out for any new lesions or blisters that may appear.

People who think they may have been infected have been urged to visit a sexual health clinic.

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