Molly-Mae Hague shows her love for Tommy Fury’s anniversary by gushing over huge bouquets of roses


MOLLY-MAE Hague received a large bouquet of roses by boyfriend Tommy Fury in celebration of their third anniversary.

This couple, who met in Love Island’s villa in 2019, has been a huge success story.

Tommy Fury bought Molly-Mae roses for their anniversary


Tommy Fury bought Molly Mae roses to celebrate their anniversary
The pair met on Love Island 2019


The couple met at Love Island 2019.

Tommy wrote: “Happy 3rd Anniversary to my Rock.”

“With me through thick and thin. Couldn’t ask for a better woman.”

Molly was more discrete than usual this weekend. However, she took the time to recognize her man yesterday.

She shared a picture of a selection of coloured roses and she said: “From our anniversary. Hardly posted since, hope you’ve all had the best weekend.”

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Tommy, the influencer “soulmate”And they said: “Let’s continue to act like 2 big kids together…”

Yesterday, she supported her husband at Wilmslow’s 10K run. She looked tired and yawned from the sidelines.

This was just days after Tommy had to withdraw from a lucrative boxing match with YouTuber Jake Paul.

He said it was because of his obesity and not having been properly trained.

He said on Instagram: “Recently on social media I’ve seen more s*** on me than ever.

“I just wanted to clarify that this fight did not take place because I was unable to enter the country.

“Not because i wasn’t trained or wasn’t fit.

“I was ready and raring for the adventure, so I arrived at the airport Monday morning with my entire team, ready to fly out.

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“I couldn’t get into the country, and that’s why this battle didn’t take place.”

“So all this bulls*** about me not being ready, not training, forget about it. If it’s not come from me, don’t believe it as it’s not true.”


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