Melinda Gates Uncovers Another Reason Why She Divorced Bill Gates


People from all over the world were stunned when this happened. Bill and Melinda GatesAfter almost 30 years of marriage, the couple announced their separation. Melinda’s explosive new interview with Gayle King is revealing why the couple split.

Melinda Had ‘Nightmares’ About Her Husband’s Friend Jeffrey Epstein

“I needed to take a different path,” Melinda said. “It wasn’t one moment or one specific thing that happened. There just came a point in time where there was enough there that I realized it just wasn’t healthy. I couldn’t trust what we had.” However, the biggest bombshell from Melinda’s interview is Bill’s friendship with notorious financier and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

“I did not like that he had a meeting with Jeffrey Epstein,”She said. Melinda says she only met Epstein once. “I regretted it from the second I walked in the door.”She continued to refer to him later as “abhorrent”And “evil personified.”

“I had nightmares about it afterwards,” Melinda continued. King asked Melinda why Epstein was still meeting with her ex-husband, despite her reservations. “are for Bill to answer.”

Bill immediately made an official statement after the interview and stated that his relationship was with Epstein. “a mistake I regret deeply. A substantial error in judgment.”

Melinda: ‘I Did Nothing Wrong So I Hold My Head High’

Melinda, who was telling King how devastating her divorce was, made it clear that she had experienced the loss of her marriage. “I gave every single piece of myself to this marriage. I was committed to this marriage on the day we got engaged and until the day I got out of it…but I also think society used to put things on women like it was our fault,”She said. “I did nothing wrong so I hold my head high.”

She is determined to move on and not dwell on the past. “At the end of the day though, I started on this journey of healing,” Melinda said. “And I do feel like I’m turning a page in the chapter now…I do my very best to show up as my best self.”

Even though Melinda’s life has changed dramatically, she is still devoted to her charity work — although not with the Gates Foundation. Instead, Melinda plans to channel her funds through Pivotal Ventures in 2015, which she started as an investment company. It’s clear she is choosing not to let her split from Bill define her.

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