Meghan Markle ‘changed her mind over Archie and Lilibet’s royal titles after chats with Beatrice and Eugenie’


MEGHAN Markle changed her mind over Archie and Lilibet’s royal titles after talking with Beatrice and Eugenie, according to an expert.

Royal commentator Neil Sean claims Meghan had a “dramatic change of heart”Speaking to senior members the monarchy, I learned more about the importance and significance of the titles.

A royal expert claims Meghan Markle has 'changed her mind over Archie and Lilibet’s royal titles'


A royal expert claims Meghan Markle has ‘changed her mind over Archie and Lilibet’s royal titles’Credit: The Mega Agency
The couple were stripped of their HRH titles after Megxit


After Megxit, the couple lost their HRH titles.Credit: The Mega Agency

The mum-of-two and husband Prince Harry were forced to drop their HRH titles after the couple quit the UK and moved to the US.

They retained the title ‘the Duke & Duchess of Sussex’, but they cannot use their HRH titles as per Megxit.

Currently, the couple’s children are allowed to be referred to as Prince and Princess, but haven’t been granted the HRH status.

King Charles has yet to make a decision on the title assignment of Archie and Lilibet.

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Meghan had previously denied any interest in her children being recognized with royal formalities in her bombshell interview with Oprah.

We were asked if that was the case. “important”Meghan did not want Archie to be called a Prince. “grandeur”These are official titles.

After previously rejecting the protocol, Mr Sean said Meghan now believes in titles for her children.

He spoke to the Mirror: “Harry, Meghan want to hold onto these royal titles.

“After much consideration, Meghan decided that titles would be a good choice, not only for her, but for both her and her children as well.

“Meghan became very friendly with senior monarchy members, predominately Princesses Eugenie & Beatrice.

“After this, Meghan saw how important a title could be, especially when you are trying to move in the right circles.

“That is the reason why they want to clutch hold of titles.”

Meghan and Harry were officially stripped of their honorary titles and patronages after they confirmed they won’t be returning as senior royals.

Following their 12-month review of Megxit with the Queen, Buckingham Palace put out a statement saying the monarch was ‘saddened’By the decision.

A statement said: “The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have confirmed to Her Majesty The Queen that they will not be returning as working members of The Royal Family.

“Following conversations with The Duke, The Queen has written confirming that in stepping away from the work of The Royal Family it is not possible to continue with the responsibilities and duties that come with a life of public service.

“The Honorary Military appointments and Royal Patronages held by The Duchess and The Duke will be returned to Her Majesty before being redistributed among the working members of The Royal Family.

“While all are saddened by their decision, The Duke and Duchess remain much loved members of the family.”

The comment was made eleven months after the couple retired from their roles of senior royals.


Biographer Tom Bower has warned Harry’s book Spare, which is set to hit shelves in less than three months’ time, will be “make or break”The Sussexes.

Central Recorder quoted Bower as saying: “This is a book that will either make or break.” I imagine that King Charles has been warned that any retaliation won’t be pretty.

“All that King Charles can really do is to withhold the titles for his grandchildren Archie and Lilibet.

“Ultimately, I suppose, he could take away Harry and Meghan’s titles as well, but that’s pretty drastic.

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I don’t know what he could do. If it’s as bad as I think, Harry and Meghan are completely rogue.

“The best the family can do is to break ties with them.”


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