Meet the Viral ‘Tiny Mom’ Who Delivered Two Enormous Babies – Must See!


“Meet the ‘Tiny Mom’ Who Gave Birth to Two ‘Enormous Babies’ and Went Viral”

Alexis LaRue had two massive twin babies.

Alexis LaRue, a 22-year-old mother from Minnesota, went viral on TikTok after explaining that she is 5′ 3″ and 116.5 lbs., which is part of what has earned her the nickname Tiny Mom on the platform. Alexis is not just called Tiny Mom because of her size, though. It’s also because she was so small in comparison to her absolutely enormous twin babies.

The babies were in the 98th percentile for height and weight.


Alexis’ babies each weighed roughly 6 lbs. and 7 ounces when they were born. Following their birth, though, both girls, named Camila and Elena, grew at a remarkable rate. Each weighed roughly 21 lbs. Each girl was in the 98th percentile for height and weight, and they both look ridiculous when they were being held by their mother.

Alexis has amassed a huge following on TikTok.


Alexis regularly posts videos where she compares her own size to the size of her babies. She’s amassed more than 700,000 followers on the platform and has more than 24 million likes across her videos. Most of her videos play off the crazy size differential between her and her kids, although the camera angles certainly exaggerate the difference in size.

Regardless of angles, though, Camila and Elena were definitely quite big for their age.


Regardless of angles, though, Camila and Elena are definitely quite big for their age, and their size has definitely contributed to their mother’s ability to go viral. Alexis even appeared on the Today show, where she gave a brief interview explaining how much the babies had grown since they were born. Thankfully, they weren’t quite that big when they were born.

The babies looked much more normal when their dad held them.


Alexis has also posted a video in which she shows what the babies look like when their dad holds them. While they definitely still look large, their size makes a little more sense when you understand how big their father is.

Alexis clarifies that she is a little below average height and weight for a girl, but not alarmingly so.


Because her videos seems so otherworldly, Alexis has also had to post videos where she clarifies that she is a little below average height and weight for a girl, but not alarmingly so.

Some kids just grow to be bigger than others.


Ultimately, it seems that the babies are most of the reason that the videos seem so strange. Some kids grow to be bigger than others. It’s also possible that, even though they are well above average height and weight for their age, they will wind up being a fairly normal size by the time they reach adulthood. Only time will tell, so we’ll have to stay tuned to Alexis’s TikTok to find out how her twins grow.


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