Marjorie Taylor Greene gets edgy when her opponent links her with Jan 6


Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia was fuming after a Sunday debate with Marcus Flowers, the Democratic candidate for her House seat. He accused her of election lies that led her to the Capitol riots.

Flowers claimed that he was drawn to the race by the controversy she causes. He also said that he believes Flowers is partly responsible for the Jan. 6 rebellion because of her claims about election fraud.

Before the moderator for the Atlanta Press Club’s 2022 Loudermilk-Young Debate, Karyn Greer, could move on to the next question, Greene said she needed a rebuttal.

“You cannot accuse me of insurrection. I was a victim of the January 6 riots as any other member of Congress,”She looked at Flowers, and waved her finger at him. He turned to look at her in disbelief and he looked back at her. She continued. “That was the third day I had on the job, I had nothing to do with what happened there that day, and I will not have you accuse me of that. That is wrong of you to do, you are lying about me and you will not defame my character in that manner.”

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“Did Joe Biden win the [2020] election, Congresswoman Greene?”He asked him calmly.

“Joe Biden is the President of the United States, Marcus,”She quickly answered, and raised her voice.

“Absolutely,”He replied, wagging his fingers at her. “But you pushed a big lie that said he did not win the election. And…”He carried on, his voice loudly speaking over her interruption. “…you drove those people over the Capitol on Jan. 6 with your lie.”Greene was deceitfully lying to the election fraud claimer all through his entire conversation. “And my husband has proof of it.”

Greer finally stepped in to bring the debate back on track.

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Although the right wing continues to cite voter and election fraud for the result of the 2020 election and Donald Trump’s loss to Joe Biden, those claims have been debunked and rejected at every turn.

Trump and his allies More than 60 lawsuits filedTo overturn the 2020 election results for states where he lost. None of the other candidates failed to prove their allegations, or were dismissed for procedural mistakes. William Barr, the former U.S. attorney general under Trump, stated that: “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.”

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