Marilyn Manson Lawyer: ‘Global Mediation’ of Rape Claims is Possible


Marilyn Manson’s lawyer, Brian Warner, opened Friday’s door to possible. “global”Settlement talks were held with multiple women who accused the shock rocker sexual assault.

At a court hearing in Los Angeles, defense lawyer Stephen D. Rothschild started by saying Warner’s side was open to settlement discussions with the Jane Doe ex-girlfriend who claims the musician brutally raped her at his residence in 2011. The lawyer took the matter one step further.

“There are other cases that are somewhat related, and so as things progress, we may decide that it’s best to have a global mediation. I don’t think that’s going to happen any time soon, but it is in the cards,”Rothschild stated.

The lawyer’s comments followed after Warner’s camp previously said the singer “vehemently denies any and all claims of sexual assault or abuse of anyone,” – and five days after Rolling Stonepublished a 9,500-word investigation revealing new claims of sexual, physical, and psychological abuse against the controversial performer.

They also arrived after Gregory Keosian, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge, set Oct. 3, 2023 as the trial date in Jane Doe’s case. He estimated that it would take five working days to present the case before a jury.

Back in September, Judge Keosian actually dismissed the anonymous girlfriend’s lawsuit saying it was outside the statute of limitations based on the way it was originally filed. The lawsuit was then revived by her by submitting an amended complaint in which she stated that she “repressed the memories”up to February 2021. That was the month. Evan Rachel Wood posted to InstagramWarner was accused “horrifically”You can abuse her for years.

Over a dozen women filed complaints against Warner (52), in the past year. Fourteen have filed civil lawsuits. Rothschild didn’t respond to a request by Rolling Stone For more information on Friday, click here


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